IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people believe that governments should pay a hug amount of fundings to maintain old buildings in major cities across the world, while others think this money should be spent building new houses and developing roads.
• In our modern life, the reinstatement of older In our modern life, the reinstatement of older structures in greatest towns all around the world costs gigantic amount of money. This money would be superior spent on prov
The restoration of old buildings in major cities around the world costs enormous amounts of money. This money would be better spent on providing new housing and road development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In recent years, many people argue that government expand a sum of money on the renovation of antiquated construction in many megacities.However some people believe that the same quantity of bill must spend on assuming c
In recent years, many people argue that government expand a sum of money on the renovation of antiquated construction in many megacities,,however some people believe that the same quantity of bills must spend on assuming
The rise in the cost of historical and old building restoration has led to debates around the world about public resource distribution. Some suggested that the infrastructure projects, such as new housing and road devel
Renovation of historical property is very crucial for societies. Modern communities believe that with the construction of the old structures economic and natural resources will be protected. Especially, they consider t
Balancing the recruitment of expenses that are a controversial issue for policymakers who pay attention to investing in creating new infrastructures better way for developing than renewing ageing places,however,it is w
Balancing in the recruitment of expenses that are controversial issue for policy makers who pay attention to invest on creating new infrastractures more better way for developing than renewing aging places,however,it is
Some people believe that renovating the old buildings in major cities around the globe costs a huge amount of money from the government. While, others think that money should be utilize in developing roads and new hous
Utilizing public funds to preserve and maintain the historic structures is considered a huge burden on government treasure, which should be directed towards developing infrastructure facilities for the citizens. I stron
It is indeed the fact that refurbishment of old structures in prime cities involves a lot of expenditure which could be utilized for the construction of new accommodations as well as infrastructure. I partially agree wit
Animals or Birds are living beings like as human. Several people believe that animals are not exploited by humans. But others opine that people must use animals to fulfill their different requirements such as food and re
The reconstruction of some buildings in some major cities have resulted in a huge financial effort, however, some believe that these expenses would rather be used for the improvement of public roads and housing. I parti
In many major cities doing up old buildings costs administrations enormous amounts of money while these sums could have been used for the construction of modern apartment buildings and roads. I agree with this statement
It is true that many countries around the globe spent an enormous amount of money on the reconstruction of old buildings. While a majority of people claim that the means should be directed to an enhancement of roads and
Major cities and capitals around the world dedicate most of their budget to restoring old buildings. This essay disagrees that this money should be spent on restoration procedures, rather than developing new roads and ne
With the progress and renovation made in civic facilities in modern cities,it follows that an increasing number of historical buildings inevitably need to be restored,which costs a great deal of capital of governments.In
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