IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The table illustrates data about the underground railway systems in London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kytoto, and LA. data categories by( date of opened, kilometres of route , and passengers per year in millions).
The given table demonstrates information of underground railway systems in London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto and Los Angeles, containing date opened, kilometres of route and passengers per year.
The chart below illustrates different datas about the underground rail networks in six large cities.
The table compares the length of the route and the number of passengers per year in millions of underground railway systems in six cities.
The table chart shows the data about the underground metro ways in six popular cities, with them being London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto and Los Angeles. Data depicts the age, length and number of people per yea
The table provides information about the underground railway system which is located in the six big cities and gives data about the opening date, length and the number of passengers (in million) using this vehicle per
The given table describes the tunnel subway networks in six urban areas. Overall, the route’s length and passenger volume decreased over time. Firstly, I will describe the subway system before 1950. Secondly, I will expl
The table shows data about the underground rail networks in six major cities. It compares the six networks in terms of their age, size and the number of people who use them each year. It is clear that the three oldest un
The given table demonstrates the data pertaining to the subway systems throughout 6 different metropolitan regions.
This analytic report provides information pertaining to the six different cities' subway systems.
The provided table illustrates data about underground railway system and it compared between six cities.
The table provides data about the year of establishment, length, and number of users of the underground railway systems in six big cities in the world.
There is a table which has been done for an explanation, providing data about the underground railway transport proportion among six different countries. According to the data, it is essential to note that this kind of t
The table illustrates the data about six underground railway systems in different countries comprising the opening year, total kilometres and the number of users in millions each year.
The table chart provides data on subway train networks in some cities.
The given table reveals data about the underground railway systems in 6 major cities relating to the data opened, kilometres of route and passengers per year.
The table provides general information and statistic about metro systems in London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto and Los Angeles.
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