IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is widely argued that enterprises should prioritize generating profits, and they are not required to have public responsibilities. While I accept that this perception is somewhat justifiable, I believe that they shoul
It is true that some people believe that generating profits is the most important element for businesses and I accept that this perception is some what justifiable. However, I would argue that public responsibilities ar
As far as clareaty in managment a work is earning money and there is no need to have communication with another people or jobs, I`m not agree with this opinion. I will explain my resons in this article.
Environment plays a part and parcel role in our lives. We live in a society thus it is our duty to take after the environment . In the midst of change , society has been divided into two groups as per distinct mindsets o
One school of thought holds that companies should prioritize generating profits, and they are not required to have social duties. While I accept that perception is somewhat justified, I believe that there are other facto
Running a business is a challenging task. When it comes to priorities, successful managers claim their main goal is to make money without considering social responsibilities. I agree with the statement, not only because
Nowadays, the enterprise should have a responsibility, which is to support some activity for inhibit local. However, there is some corporations that are not allowed regulation by the government, which will impact the inf
Many companies focus on finding budget, but they do not interesting in communities. In my opinion, I think that business should to making income and taking care of communities too. This essay will discuss about this stat
Some people think that the ultimate goal of any business is making money without thinking about social responsibilities. I totally disagree with such an approach, because modern companies, especially huge ones, must have
The higher precedence of businesses is earning money, and they shouldn't take care of public liabilities. I definitely disagree with this statement as I think that making money should always be combined with social respo
Some people believe that the main goal of commerce is by producing more and more cash, and they do not consider to have responsibilities in the environment. I hold the view that companies should contemplate having socia
Most businesses think that making money is the most important, so they don't need to be socially responsible. I disagree with the above opinion.
The majority of businesses believe that making money is important instead of having public responsibilities. This writer disagrees with this statement and will explain the reason why in the following essay.
There is a controversy about enterprises' value of generating profits above social responsibilities. In this essay, I strongly disagree with the priority of companies without the duty of public responsibilities.
Many companies put a high priority on profits, and they think public responsibility is not necessary. While I accept that this perception is somewhat justifiable, I believe that public responsibility is also compulsory.
Most of the business is concentrating on making profits and they do not have to take any public responsibilities. This essay will disagree with the given statement.
Some people think that the greatest importance of businesses is generating profits, and it is not necessary for them to have public duty. In my opinion, I completely disagree.
Some corporations of businesses are generating profits, and they do not need to have social responsibilities. This writer disagrees with this statement and will outline the main reasons why in the following essay.
It is often said that businesses make an effort to generate profits while they do not need to have public responsibilities. I completely agree with this notion that we should be solve socio-economic problems and should n
many inviduals think that businesses want to make money with the top prioritiy. however, they do not necessary to have public responsibilities. this statement disagrees that their firms do not need to have responsible so
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