The two plans illustrate the development that has taken place on roadway access around a municipal hospital from 2007 until 2010 with label and pictures.
The location sketches illustrate the developments that happened in 2010 in the area of the city hospital compared to that of 2007, including the road to reach the hospital.
The provided maps provide a visual representation of the transportation infrastructure modifications that took place between 2007 and 2010 at a city hospital. Overall, the maps demonstrate that significant changes were m
This picture below represents two different road structures surrounding same hospital in 2007 and 2010. By comparing two maps I will analize difference between them and summarize given information.
The two maps provide information about the access of road between 2007 and 2010 to a city hospital. In general, it was clear that there was roudabout in the right side of the staff car park in 2010.
The two maps illustrate the roads used to reach a central city hospital in 2009, including the facilities linked to them, and the changes made by 2012.