IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am Rachana Goel, one of the regular passenger of bus on route no. 6 travelling from Gorwa to Halol in morning at 7:30 am. I would like to draw your attention towards some problems I have been facing recently
I'm writing the letter to inform you about the present situation of bus service in my area. Firstly , the busses are not on time , there is no proper schedule of them. The busses are too much crowded in the morning bec
I'm writing the letter to inform you about the present situation of bus service in my area. Forely , the busses are not on time , there is no proper schedule of them. The busses are too much crowded in the morning beca
I am writing this letter to you to know that I am very dissatisfied with your bus service. I am talking about a bus number 777 which should arrive on bus stop at 7:30 am in morning at Bridge Street, Wentworth. However, t
I am Pankila Saini one of the common citizen who uses buses for their daily commutes. I have been observing some problems in the bus services. Amongst all the issues I felt reliability is one of the main challenge which
I am one of the loyal customers of SBS Transit and always travel with its buses and trains. I am writing this letter to you to report some issues that I have in a couple of weeks ago.
I am Paul Smith, living on Park Avenue, Juliet Apartments, Ontario. I am writing to complain about the bus service in our area. We are facing so much difficulty regarding arrival and departure of buses.
I would like to inform you that for the last two weeks there have been some issues about the bus services in our area. We are facing some serious problems, especially regarding the unpredictability of the arrival time of
I’m writing with reference to the Bus No 5678 that plies the Lekki-V.I route. I have been encountering some issues as a result of the poor service in my area. I have to be at work for 8am every morning, therefore I have
I am writing to inform you regarding improper bus service in my city from last two weeks. Being more precise, the buses are not arriving on time at any place for the whole day. Sometimes it used to arrive early than regu
I am writing to inform you regarding improper bus service in my city from last two weeks. Being more precise, the buses are not arriving on time at any place for the whole day. Sometimes it used to arrive earlier than th
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