IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am Harshveer Mangat from Canada, writing to you in response to an advertisement that I saw a few days ago in a magazine. I have experience of working in a school and I would like to have a part-time job when I move to
I am writing this letter with regard to the advertisement for a childcare job published in an Australian magazine. I like to spend time with children. Basically, there are two reasons why I want to do this job, first , I
I am so glad that nursery is my job ,and I have a number of duties to perform such caring from old persons at their house.Now,I live with a family who they except me as a number of their family,in fact they are grandmoth
My name is Saied, I have seen your advertisement in a magazine, and I am writing to you because I consider myself suitable for your offer. I hate living alone, and I want to live with a family. I have to say that I love
Dear Sir, I am writing to you to see you're advertisement in Australine magazine. I am interested to do this job.Recently I completed a child nursing course .Now I want to take a practical experience by looking after y
Referring to your advertisement in the magazine, I am writing to you in order to make clear my eagerness to take this job. As I am an international student I have to support my expenses and the cost of living here; Howev
I am writing this letter regarding the paper advertisement which has published last Sunday in "Daily Mirror" magazine. According to the notice, you are searching for someone who prefers to live with your family and loo
I am writing this letter regarding a work opportunity that I saw in a magazine .Yes, I am interested in looking after your child and living at your place for six months .
I am writing this letter with respect to the advert which I have seen in a magazine for a nanny to watch over a six-year-old child and live with the family for six months.
I am writing to you with regard to the advertised position of babysitter which you have published recently. I am seeking a job opportunity during my pause in study, which is expected to start in eight months from now. I
I am writing this letter in response to your advertisement posted in the “New Town” Australian magazine. I would like to express my interest in living with your family and looking after your ward for six months. Let me e
My name is Sai Nay Lin from Myanmar. I was browsing through some of the magazines recently and I stumbled upon your advertisement in one of the Australian magazines that you are looking for a live-in babysitter who would
I am Ella Khin from Yangon, Myanmar. I am writing to express my interest to apply the job announcement which you published in an Australian magazine about the need to have a caregiver for your child for certain period.
Dear Sir or Madam, My name is Madhur Bathla I saw an advertisement in Times Magazine ( Australia) regarding the role of handling your six year old child, and I would like to showcase my interest towards the job offered
My name is Amandeep Singh and I am writing this letter in response to an advertisement published by your manager. To give you a brief detail about my academics, I have completed my social well-being course at Humber Coll
I am writing this letter to apply as an employee to live with your family for six months and take care of your child. My name is Milav Soni and I am from India.
I am writing this letter regarding the advertisement that was published in Cosmopolitan Australia about looking after your six-year-old child. I am Sanchi Dhupar, a resident of India and for the past few weeks I was look
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