IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing in concern to my important business papers, which I have left mistakenly in your hotel. I recently visited your hotel on Sunday, 1st of October. I made a reservation online and stayed for a few hours.
I am writing this letter to let you know my problem. On the 22nd August I attended a meeting at your hotel and when I returned home I realized I had left some important documents at the hotel.Before the meeting ,I went t
I am John Reyes, your recent customer, booked a suit between 21 March to 25 March. I am writing to you to request to send my papers I realized I had left in that room.
Hope this finds you well. A short time ago I got back after attending a very important meeting at your hotel premises. And after a lot of search, I just recalled that I have left a very confidential and crucial file at y
I am writing this letter in regard to my project file which I think I left in my hotel room number 407 . I had attended a meeting in your hotel moonlight between 26 to 27 march 2023. However I forget to collect my projec
I am writing this letter in regard to my project file which I think I left in my hotel room number 407 . I attended a meeting in your hotel moonlight between 26 to 27 March 2023. ,However I forget to collect my project
I am writing to you with regard to a document I left at your facility on my last visit. I stayed in the single suite on the fifth floor of the building. Although I had a memorable stay at your hotel, however, I just real
I am writing to inquire about an important paper that you and your colleagues found last week. As you know, last week I took part in a meeting conversation in your hotel, I am one of the members, my name is Tina Wang, li
I am writing in regard of my important papers that I have left in your hotel. I was participating in a meeting that was held by my firm there. unfortunately, when coming back home, I realized that some of my important no
Allow me to Introduce myself, my name is William. I am writing this letter regards to our company files had left in your meeting room that used by our company. Let me explain the details.
Greetings, I am writing this letter to you with regard to the last meeting which was held in the guest hall in your hotel, unfortunately, when I got home it turned out that I forgot some important documents on the table
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing this letter to inform you regarding my documents that I left at your hotel on Friday. I kindly request if you can keep the files.
I am writing this letter to draw your attention that I attend my Company's Meeting at your hotel and after came back home I figured out that I forgot my important documents in your hotel.
I am writing this letter regarding a matter which concerns me greatly. Recently I attended a meeting at your eminent hotel, however , I forgot some documents in the conference hall where the meeting took place.As far as
I recently attended a meeting at your hotel in Room 409 last Saturday. The reason I am writing is that I just found out some important documents are missing on the way back home and I suspect I left those in your hotel r
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