It is considered that some workers today have to work overnight shift. This essay will discuss problems that people can face along with some solutions in forthcoming paragraphs.
In this day and age, human beings are accustomed to approaching modern medical treatment and diagnosis. Numerous among them try to make use of instantly alternative medication and treatments in place of having their heal
Nowadays, with the massive of environmental damage on the earth, the quality of sustainable life are questioned by many people. Some people wish the governments to spend money to build the future life on other planets, w
Many people who live in society nowadays are suffering from mental issues, and the trend has become more significant than before. I will discuss the factors of this phenomenon and use my relevant experience to give my op
Some individuals in the community prefer their governments to support financially the idea of having human life on other planets rather than the earth, however, others prefer to spend this money to solve a lot of probl
In the modern era, people tend to struggle with many problems to maintain a stability between work and life; however ,there are very few people who are able to achieve a balance. This essay will shed light on the main re
Individuals endeavor to strike a balance between their work and other activities and aspects of their lives; however, the fact that people achieving this goal account for minority. This essay will shed light on reasons w
Individuals tend to choose to keep a balance between their work and lives, however only a few people achieve this goal. In this essay, I will discuss the issue when we try to achieve this aim and give some effective solu
These days, there are fewer people who can achieve the lifestyle that requires them to strike a balance between career and other dimensions of their lives. This essay will elaborate on the disadvantages in the pursuit o
Whilst the debate surrounding the government's decision toward the idea of increasing the investment money to study the existence of life on other planets is advocated by others, I believe in a more imperative use of suc
The mortality rate among the youth has witnessed a substantial increase in the world. This has led to many questions roaming around the internet, " Youth are dying way before their time, what is going on?" Stress has led
First of all there are divided opinions about life existing out of our solar system furthermore deep space exploration is one part of economical growth that drives the growth of the country in terms of education, space p
Talking about health issues, one cannot avoid thoroughly looking at an alarming increase in obesity cases around the world. In fact, there is a general claim that to lower this number, the government should apply laws an
In this contemporary era, people finding solutions to their health problems instead of visiting professionals are increasing effortlessly. In my opinion, this would have a negative impact on both society and individu
Talking about health issues, one cannot avoid looking at the alarming increase in numbers of people having difficulty maintaining a healthy balanced diet. In fact, its reasons are multiple and certainly, the solutions to
In modern society, some experts have been discussing whether governments should invest in looking for life on other planets or not, with people believing that this is meaningless public money. In this essay, i will deba
In recent years, there has been an unprecedented surge in overweight populations, sparking extensive discussions regarding the implications of fattening foods. One prevailing viewpoint suggests that elevating the prices
Nowadays, our planet has too many problems that seem like we could never solve, such as global warming, natural disasters, overpopulation, and many more. For that reason, some people ask the current government to publicl
There are two diametrically opposite opinions about whether governments should invest their budgets in seeking life in outer space or not, since it might be a waste of money, as there is a great number of problems on ear
The past 50 years have seen a considerable increase in the number of people suffering from stress-related illness. Why is this happening and how to alleviate this problem? In this essay, I intend to explore the sources o