IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The peer group tends to exert influence on the way teenagers behave. While many believe that the influence of peers is immensely important, others opine that it has its obvious drawbacks. I believe that the benefits peer
There was a controversial heating up a debate over the presure of young people. While some claim that stress has a myriad of pros, the opposite makes a statement that it has a cons. This essay is devoted to analyzing bot
There was a controversial heating up debate over the pressure of teenagers. While some claim that stress acts as a crucial role in young people, the opposite makes a statement that it has a clear drawback. This phenomen
There is a controversial perspective heating a debate over peer pressure. While some claim that peer pressure plays a significant role in people’s lives, the opposite makes a statement that it has clear drawbacks. In my
There are controversial perspectives heating up a debate over peer pressure. While some hold a strong view that peer pressure plays a paramount imperative role in people’s lives, the opposite makes a statement that it br
Youngsters usually take their decisions based on the influence of their friend circles which causes drastic issues for them. I agree with this viewpoint completely and drawbacks of peer pressure are big enough to cause
In adolescence, various behaviours are had by youngsters ranging from good or bad behaviours. These behaviours of young people of the same age are able to affect others. Some believe that peer pressure is necessary, whi
In adolescence, various behaviors is had youngsters ranging from good or bad behaviors.  These behaviors of young people of the same age are able to affect others. Some believe that peer pressure is necessary, while othe
Youngsters now have a noticable effect on their behaviors by the people with the same age or at the same level, it is called peer pressure. Some believe that peer influence plays a significant role in teenagers life whil
In the contemporary epoch, the youngster are generally influened by the behaviour of their friends and same agemates. Whether the older people should be given rights to supress their kids while making decisions. Each app
In the modern society, adolescents could be maleable to the personality of those in their same age gap. While many people remark the importance of peer pressure, others may point out the downsides of this situation. In t
Peer pressure leads to both positive and negative development, depending on the situation where the pressure is being applied. This essay will argue that the disadvantages of peer pressure do not outweigh its advantages.
Nowadays, Young generation become influenced by their same age group behaviours so it increase peer pressure to them. Some people argue that peer pressure is a matter to them while some people disagree that statement. Th
All youngsters are easily determined by the attitude and decency of other young adults which is also called peer pressure. Peer pressure has some merits and pitfalls but this disadvantage outweighs the advantages. In
Youngsters may sometimes find themselves highly influenced by their peers. Although some individuals believe that this influence is essential, despite the fact that they are overlooking its detrimental effects due to th
It is the fact that nowadays young people are affected easily by their peer friends’ behaviors while there are some arguments that it brings many disadvantages. This essay will analyze why I believe that the inconvenienc
In adolescence, young people are often influenced by their peer group, a force that can wield both immense power and significant peril. While there's undeniable value in the emotional support, encouragement, and sense of
The behavior of the youth is impacted by people of the same age group. Although some young people improve themselves because of peer pressure, they are often influenced to do bad habits that will affect their personal li
Undoubtedly, youth have been influenced by their friends and others in the same age group. Some people claim that peer pressure has benefits; however, others think that its drawbacks outweigh its advantages. In this essa
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