IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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These days, many youngsters do home activities more than outside activities during holidays. There are several reasons for this phenomenon. This essay will discuss these reasons and the suggested ways to change that.
Nowadays, people do not spend their free time doing recreation like hiking and climbing in nature. The primary reason for this is that technology is developing so that outdoor activities are getting more expensive, but t
By the millenniums, adults’ preference about westing their weekends have been changed. Today they tend to spend their holidays by not doing physical challenges on the outside.It has wrong due to the fact that, they do no
By the millenniums adults preference about westing their weekend have been changed. Nowadays they tend to spend their weekend by not doing physical challenges on the outside. It has wrong due to the fact that, they dont
Nowadays, most young people do not spend their leisure time and vacations engaging in outdoor activities like hiking and climbing in natural environments. This essay will discuss the reasons for this trend and suggest po
Nowadays , many people prefer to spend theirholidays or weekends playing video games or scrolling social platforms in my opinion they should play football or do outside activities with their friends because it's useful f
Nowadays, people are interested in technical devices and artificial things instead of traditional activities.Myriad of youngsters is not interested in celebrating holidays and outdoor activities in habitat. This essay w
It is argued that the young generations tend to spend less time on outdoor activities, such as hiking and climbing. The main reason for this is the addiction that they have on the internet, and a possible solution could
Teenagers tend to spend their days off indoors, which is a concerning phenomenon, and some countermeasures are worth providing.
In this contemporary era, adults and children tend to have a sedentary lifestyle and are not engaged in any physical activities.A plethora of reasons beyond this phenomenon will be claimed along with the ways to solve
It is true that nowadays young people would rather stay at home playing video games or watching movies than travel outdoors. some seasons are responsible for the issue and government can play a significant role to tackle
Sports like hiking and climbing are some of the actions that will help people to stay fit and healthy. These days young individuals prefer spending most of their time with limited physical exercise and continue living a
Nowadays youngsters spend less time of their spare time doing outdoor activities such as hiking and mountain climbing in nature. In this essay, we will discuss why this situation occurs and what we can be done to change
Youngsters often do not spend their vacations and weekends doing outdoor activities in the natural environment because of several reasons, however, there are some beneficial actions to encourage them to go out.
current generation spends most of the time indoor activities rather than going outside from home for doing hiking and climbing. There are several reasons behind this such as electronic gadgets and academic pressure on st
Nowadays, a climbing number of young adults prefer to engage in other entertaining and relaxing activities, such as watching TV series, playing electronic games and board-role playing games . I think that is a negative d
Nowadays, youngsters are reluctant to allocate their spare time to exercising in open fields. Behind such reluctance are two predominant motivators, and hopefully some feasible approaches can be adopted.
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