Dear Nari, I hope all is well with you, and I am so happy to hear that you finally decided to study nursing at Flinders University. I enrolled in a 3-year nursing program a couple years ago, and I enjoyed learning about a wide range of things like clinical placement, presentations , and so forth. Also, it was enjoyable to study and work on group projects with classmates from different backgrounds. As for the university, one of the greatest things about it is that they offer a well-structured curriculum for students. Last but not least, i found the professiors to be excellent and quite competent. I was so impressed with all of the detailed comments they made in regard to my assignments. Looking back, the learning curve was steep, but i was able to get practical and hands-on experience. In terms of applying for this course, I think you should try to get recommendation letters befor getting your documents ready because those take longer. I hope you find my advice helpful and...