In this contemporary era, most industries or organizationswhich are large pay much higher salaries to directors than that to normalemployees due to this some people think it is necessary to pay, while othersoppose it and consider it unfair. I will discuss both views and give my opinionin the conclusion.On the one hand, directors are the one who manage theorganizations because of this they have a burden on their shoulders more thancommon employees. To explain, in any company, directors make decisions that areconnected to the organization’s future and manage the whole organization, thatis why they get high salaries that normal people. Moreover, directories havemore knowledge and skills about work. Thus, directors are paid higher salariesbecause of their knowledge and their work.On the other hand, it is believed that employees are the mainpillar of the organizations. To illustrate, most of the normal work is done by employees.In addition, they spent the most time in the organization do...