It is sometimes asserted that prefer to pay for local produce while others produce international production. In this day and,most people tend to view things differently, even whether It is sometimes asserted that prefer to pay for the local brand while others produce the international stock. to some groups, they think that brand international produce. this despite, it seems to me that, I still believe that prefer to buy local produce. the following cases and examples will help support my point of viewpoint. To begin with, prefer to pay local produce. has first main agreed. Firstly should pay for local brands, as a result, to want to pay off the market and shopping such as clothes back shoes in addition to fruit, for example, banana orange mango strawberry. however, this is an accept fack that prefers to buy local production, for this reason, want to pay off the market and shopping such as clothes in addition fruit and vegetable. To sum up, in spite of the fact that, i...