IELTS Writing Samples Band 5.5

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Humans become the most powerful kind in the world and such domination has bad consequences connected with a negative impact on the plants and animals. In this regard, some people believe that it's impossible to change the trend of destruction, while others consider that mankind could make it. In this essay, I will discuss both sides and give my opinion at the end.
In contemporary workplaces, the practise of requiring employees to wear uniforms is prevalent across industries. This practise has both advantages and disadvantages, influencing the organizational environment and individual experiences. this essay will explore the merits and drwabacks of implementing employee uniform.
These days,It is becoming more and more popular for populations to live in an extended family.Inspite of modern life,a lot of people still prefer to live in a large family which comprises various range of ages.It is obvious that there are many advantages and disadvantages of living in extended family.In this essay,I will address some pros and cons of this life way.
Our daily purchases that are mainly produced by foreign countries need to be supplied from a long distance. Although this tendency has certain drawbacks, I believe that advantages surpass its disadvantages.
Taking risks, both professionally and personally, plays a crucial impact in our lives. While there is no doubt that lots of people can get benefits from stepping out of their comfort zones, it is still a concern due to plenty of serious downsides it may cause. This essay will consider the positive and negative influences of this action.
The vast majority of people learn by using TV and that's because learning by TV could be more enjoyable and from this point they think that TV is a good tool for children. I totally disagree with that because watching TV for several hours can cause health problems, and the overuse of TV can cause physical problems.
In today’s society, the tourist industry is increasing tremendously. Moreover, in some countries, tourism brings in a large amount of money for its development. However, local residents complain that damage caused by tourists is often swept under the rug. In my opinion, I agree with the arguments.
Tourism has transformed in recent years, since it is easier for people to travel to different tourist places. and as a result, quiet and peaceful places are full of people, these changes have a positive or negative impact depending on each perspective.
In our contemporary era, it is acknowledged that more and more individuals prefer to acquire cultural knowledge of other countries throughout the social media, decreasing a desire for adventure and observing in practice those areas. In my opinion, the primary source of this phenomenon is financial condition of commuinty rather than the advent of new technologies.
Historically, the ability to read, write and do mathematics have been one of the most significant education disciplines. These are the three basic skills expected to be learnt and used in daily lives. However, with the increasingly pivotal role computers play in modern life, it is thought that a fourth skill should be added for computer usage. In my opinion, I fully agree with this idea as technology literacy has many benefits to society.
In many nations, governments put more focus on improving their economies than improving other sectors. Although, residents’ earnings will increase, I personally believe that the main drawback outweighs the main benefit as this will cause environmental pollution.
It is well known that schools usually prioritize basic subjects such as maths, science and languages. However, fostering creative thinking skills has been applied in new educational systems. This essay will argue that developing creativity has vital benefits for a student and our society.
It is widely seen that the city planners of many nations are organizing and grouping the building according to their purposes, such as commercial, educational, and residential zones, within a same location. From my perspective, the disadvandages of this measure outweigh its advantages.
At school, it has been a mandatory for teachers to hold an exam in order to know students performance. Children are given questions that has been studied in the class and needed to be answered in a limited time. Even though this way of learning has been running for decades, I agree that exams are not always be able to measure student's performance precisely. Let me share some of my perspectives.
In this contemporary epoch, it is generally observed that the relationship of family members are not as close as it was seen in the yesteryears. This essay will delve into the reasons that have led to this scenario and will provide some remedies to make the family relationship stronger.
The most effective method to improve the roadside safety of vehicle drivers is to sit for a driving exam every year. While there is some truth belief, I would agree with this statement.
There is a contradictory debate surrounding the benefits and drawbacks of charging museum visits. While some highlight the significant role the received money can play in maintaining and improving the overall condition of the museums, others claim that admissions can discourage the interested but less privileged individuals from visiting; which I, personally, believe pales in comparison with its potential benefits.
Many individuals think that the best effective way to connect between pupils by playing team activities at school. While I accept that this perspective is justifiable, I assert that there are some other factors that are equally important to improve the students' integration.
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