IELTS Writing Samples Band 5.5

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Children are the beautiful creation of god and parents are the gardeners. Their upbringing is enjoyable and challenging. They are like clay which requires mending and molding efficiently. Some people believe that they should be brought up under discipline and stringent rules and regulations while others think freedom should be given to them.
The sheer cost of health issues due to obesity has been becoming a widely-concern matter for nations stifling economic growth. This, according to some individuals, could be addressed by the allocation of more school times to physical activities. It seems to me that this might be the solution, and I will explain why in this essay.
In the contemporary era, there are conflicting views about the key to health. While some people believe that doing regular exercise is the decisive method, and others believe that having a balanced diet is the main condition to maintain health. I am in favour of view that both ways are necessary.
Regardless of age, every person is looking out in the world to be happy. Some relate happy moments with with a lack of obligations. On the other hand, others think that the adult years bring more joy as they are more independent even though they have responsibilities. In this essay, I will give the perspectives from both sides and also tell why the former carries more weight than the latter.
Some people believe that industries that facilitate high pollution should be charged higher taxes, while others argue that there are better ways to combat this. I believe, although collecting more tax money would be beneficial in cleaning the pollutants, strictening environmental laws could be a more straight forward solution.
There is a growing interest surrounding the idea of knowing about the heritage of a house or building by its residents. This may have logical reasons like people's craving of stories and the sense of identity that they can feel knowing the history of the place that they live in. This information, however, is not easy to reach due to the fact that there may not be official recordings of the prior residents of a building available , therefore, it is important that people who aim to access this data, use legal and effective ways that do not jeopardize anyone's sense of privacy.
The authority nowadays invest in many aspects of our lives. Many activities have been invested on, such as sports like football and basketball. It is agreed that the law should focus on public services more than the arts. This essay will discuss both sides and include my honest opinion.
In today's rapidly evolving world, the ubiquitous internet and cutting-edge technology have paved the way for accessing information. Therefore, it is widely believed that printed newspapers and books are becoming the things of the past. Personally, I go against this suggestion for plenty of reasons.
In this era of digitalisation, smart-phones and applications have revolutionised the modes of consuming information. This has resulted in a decline in the the classical print industry. This essay will aim to provide a conclusive opinion regarding this evident and beneficial shift.
Nowadays, individuals spend a huge amount of time on social media which has had a negative impact on communication, causes mental health problems and harmful effects on future job opportunities, which can be solvable.
Learning about the culture and the traditions of the language we choose to learn is deemed by some people to be a necessity to master the language, I firmly believe that exploring other cultures have tremendous benefits and one of them is to master a language better and faster.
Job is the most important things which decide a career. We always have seen changes and recently one change is in a job, people often change their jobs and work in more than one company. I sell write what are benefits and demerits of doing a job in different company.
While recruiting new employees, businesses generally look for the 'hard skills', which are the job-specific skills, such as a good qualification or degree. Obviously, job-related expertise is essential in any profession, and in many other careers. But, it has been seen that when these new workers join the workforce, they sometimes cannot get along well with their colleagues. So, the importance of soft skills, which means how you relate to other people and to work, has come up. This essay shall analyze, why new recruits lack such soft skills, and suggest ways to mitigate the problem.
When talking about the aging population, people's opinions seem to be divergent on such a controversial issue. Some people believe that the aging population causes problems for society. However, other people take the opposite position. I partially agree with the statements as follows.
In today's world, the debate surrounding environmental protection has become a central topic of public discourse. Some support the idea that providers such as manufactures and supermarkets should reduce the amount of packaging of foods, while others argue that customers should avoid buying goods with fancy packaging. While acknowledging the merit of both perspectives, I am more inclined towards the latter.
In some parts of the world, mom-dads would like to educate their child at home rather sending them to go to school. This essay will explore the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling to solve if advantages outweighs disadvantages.
As far as some people believe that music can be a great solution to collecting people from various cultures and ages together I strongly agree with this opinion because of the clear reasons which are some festivals or goals that are one among a variety of people.
Many people believe that parents play an important role in the growth of their children, while others argue that Television and their peers play a vital role in the growth of teenagers’ development. This topic will discuss both views and provide my opinion at the end of the passage.
People generally believe that advertisements are a powerful was to attract people to buy products. Some others disagree and think that we rarely care for them anymore.
It has been seen that most of the crimes occurring around are being done by repeat offenders. The main reason behind this is that prisons are not seen as rehabilitation centers but just for mere incarceration. Also, the second factor would be that they get to connect with fellow criminal minds or in other words, get badly influenced by offenders. To tackle this, a reformation system should be utilized to rehabilitate these people. The following paragraphs will discuss it in detail.
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