IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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It is true that tourism plays an important role in countries or local communities. Some people think governments should spend more money on the development of tourism. I completely agree with this argument for several reasons.
There may be divergent views regarding whether individuals should visit other areas to learn about the culture. While some people think it is beneficial to learn according to books, movies, and websites, I am convinced by the view that learning about cultures from a trip is more advantageous.
Today's leading age technology has brought significant benefits. It has also, become ubiquitous in workplaces. It has completely changed the way people work. I believe that although it has some prominent drawbacks, the benefits greatly outweigh the disadvantages.
Nowadays, some people have a preference for foods exported from other countries. Others share the belief that supporting local food can bring environmental benefits and lower the expenses. This essay will elaborate the reason why the merits outweigh the drawbacks.
The discussion of whether individual activities or group activities provide more important life skills has sparked widespread debate. In the following paragraphs, I will discuss the benefits of learning skills individually and in a group context, and ultimately provide a conclusion based on the comparison of the two approaches.
Working and earning an income is essential for the survival of all people. However, travelling every day to the work place is tiring as well as time-consuming. Some people believe that telecommuting is better for most workers as it has several benefits. In my opinion, work from home brings numerous professional and personal benefits which outweigh its drawbacks.
To begin with, working hard is crucial in our lives. In some situations, we must work hard or study hard, which leads to great results. For example, in some countries, pupils have to study hard to get a scholarship. This means that some pupils cannot afford their tuition fees; therefore, they look for scholarships. Similarly, athletes must train rigorously to excel in their sports and achieve success.
Having higher positions at work can put your life in jeopardy. A larger group of individuals believe that important decisions have to be made by superiors. On the other hand, others think every camp should be heard in companies. The essay below will elaborate further on this notion.
Many think that saving money is essential for people's, especially young generations, future life.
The majority of the crowd claim that If children were left to decide on any aspects of their lives, ranging from cuisine, garments, and recreational activities, they would become selfish. However, I agree with those who believe children could be allowed to make decisions for their own special matters that impact their own lives.
The negative impacts of fast foods include on the environment, eating habits and families have largely been associated with the fast food industry. He has fairly good points here to some extent I agree with these claims because the industry plays an important role in these areas.
Some individuals believe that living in huge cities is harmful for citizens’ health. In my opinion, I partly agree with this view.
In the modern revolution, some people claim that keeping public libraries is a waste of a lot of money instead of using technology from the computer that can have all the functions of libraries and the online library can totally switch to the traditional library. Although traditional libraries are a good culture in our lives, modern computers become the best choice for “bookworms” to explore knowledge while still saving money.
In some countries, it has been observed that youngsters are becoming obese and unhealthy. Many believe that it is the responsibility of the government to resolve these issues. This essay agrees with this statement because concerned authorities should make necessary changes for these issues by spreading awareness and promoting healthy lifestyles.
There is a controversial perspective heating a debate over the fact that the education system should provide six years of schooling for students so that they at least know how to read and write and use it to reduce poverty in developing regions. I regard myself as a proponent of this perspective.
Some individuals insist that boys and girls should be educated in separate schools, while others insist that they can gain more in mixed schools rather than in separate schools. The former is mainly because fewer safety issues and fewer distractions among students are expected in separate schools, and the latter is because the cultivation of sociability to respect each other’s sex is expected in mixed schools
Some individuals hold the opinion that companies can greatly benefit from hiring staff who are motivated by money, as they tend to be more diligent. In my opinion, money always plays an important role in motivating people to do their work. However, money is not the only factor that encourages people’s hard work. I will discuss possible factors that help people concentrate on their jobs, as well as some conditions that need to be considered when recruiting staff.
I am a regular customer of your hotel and I always stay at Sahid Zarafshan Hotel when I come to Bukhara. The main reason I chose this hotel is the quality of service here.
The debate over the importance of various school subjects is ongoing, with some recommending History due to its role in understanding our past, while others underline Science and Technology as crucial for navigating the modern world. Both perspectives reflect differing priorities.
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