IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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We are living in a world where the academic environment develops than ever before. Some citizens reason that colleges ought to supply the graduate with the knowledge and skills for students' future jobs. Others think that the true function of universities should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer. From my perspective, I approve of the first issue and I will explain my point of view specifically.
In the past, people utilized plastic bags for multiple purposes, such as shopping because of their durability and convenience of use. However, nowadays, some people believe that plastic shopping bags should be prohibited due to the increasing waste that they produce, which involves both soil and marine pollution. I completely agree that they should be banned because they cause significant damage to both land and sea life.
These days, many governments claim that economic growth is the most crucial prospect for countries, however, some people advocate that other fields, such as education and health centres, equally deserve to be taken into consideration by the government. While economic progress may have a strong influence on the lives of the public in different ways, l admit that education and health-related progress can have more benefits.
In today's technologically advanced society, whilst some individuals are concerned about using the internet because it can entail severe repercussions, for example, people might be hacked and scammed, I profoundly believe others utilize the internet on a daily basis, in the sense of plenty of perks it gives, such as alleviation of a lot of processes in daily life, for instance, easier way of seeking information in conjunction with a more convenient way of purchasing.
Have you ever given a thought about what is your old age going to be like? Where will you be living or with whom and more importantly how will you be surviving? These are questions that a majority of the younger population do not ask themselves. As a consequence, some of them end up needing financial support for their survival. There is a practice followed in Britain, wherein older people reside together at an old-age home, the question that arises here is who is responsible for paying for the facilities provided there?
It has been seen that today’s generation is over-influenced by colleagues and people they are surrounded by in the same stage of their lives. This is a common issue in society today and this essay is totally in favor of the given point of you. There are a lot more demerits to discuss than m merits.
In our modern society, technology has developed in different fields, especially public transport. It is believed that all means of transport will be able to move without a driver but there will also be some drawbacks.
Undoubtedly, with the global growing population, humans are facing the crisis of food shortage. Whereas some people look upon genetically modified food as the solution to dealing with the growing population, others do not. As for my perspective, I am in favor of the former, and the reasons will be elaborated on thoroughly as follows.
Undoubtedly, with the rapid social development, more and more cases of crime may happen, also causing problems in life safety. Whereas some people look upon as a viable means to deal with this issue, others refer to providing offenders with education and training as a more effective way. As for my perspective, I am in favor of the latter, and the reasons will be elaborated on thoroughly as follows.
AI is being used in multiple sectors nowadays, and this is believed it will replace instructors in the class. I disagree with the statement as Machine learning can’t focus on individual preferences, however, online learning can be a substitute for an in-person teaching method.
In this modern day, travelling to places off the beaten track like the South Pole is no longer an elusive dream for not only scientists but also tourists. While this brings about some undeniable benefits, I would argue that the drawbacks are greater.
A much-debated issue these days is whether parents or other factors play a significant role in the process of a child growing up. Some people strongly believe that only family members can make the biggest contribution to the formation of personalities. Others claim that other things, such as TV shows or peers, have a greater impact on a child. For my part, I agree with both points of view, and consider that all these things are crucial to child development.
Due to the increased prevalence of processed food items among children, health has become one of the gravest global concerns. While some individuals claim that educational institutes should address this problem, others believe that parents should take this responsibility. Nevertheless, I firmly am of the view that it is parent's primary duty to monitor their children's eating habits by actively participating in their daily routines. This essay explores the reasons supporting why a proportion of society renders the issue as the school's responsibility and why the remainder reckons otherwise.
There are a number of folks feel that for free social work is supposed to be a required component of secondary school courses. Looking at one case helping for volunteer organization, upgrading the local society, or giving knowledge about helping to learn physical activities youngsters. I will discuss about pros and cons of this perspective and give my own opinion on this subject.
In recent years, there has been a growing recognition in the proportion of the people migrating in the urban areas, leading to the population of the countryside plummeting incredibly. While I agree that moving to cities is a positive aspect there will also be some drawbacks.
Stay in abroad and speaking a language except your mother tongue could be a great challenge for public and practical events. I completely agree with this statement and I am going to elaborate my take on it in forthcoming paragraphs.
Many individuals believe that it is essential to invest a huge proportion of funds in the development of railway infrastructure; however, I consider enhancing the current mass transit systems.
Raising kids is not an easy process, but it is something crucial to raise them properly, for many people believe that parenting courses are essential before having kids. In my opinion, parents do not need to take courses as there is no proper method of parenting that will suit all of us , and without courses, they will learn more about themselves.
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