IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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Due to the increased prevalence of processed food items among children, health has become one of the gravest global concerns. While some individuals claim that educational institutes should address this problem, others believe that parents should take this responsibility. Nevertheless, I firmly am of the view that it is parent's primary duty to monitor their children's eating habits by actively participating in their daily routines. This essay explores the reasons supporting why a proportion of society renders the issue as the school's responsibility and why the remainder reckons otherwise.
There are a number of folks feel that for free social work is supposed to be a required component of secondary school courses. Looking at one case helping for volunteer organization, upgrading the local society, or giving knowledge about helping to learn physical activities youngsters. I will discuss about pros and cons of this perspective and give my own opinion on this subject.
In recent years, there has been a growing recognition in the proportion of the people migrating in the urban areas, leading to the population of the countryside plummeting incredibly. While I agree that moving to cities is a positive aspect there will also be some drawbacks.
Stay in abroad and speaking a language except your mother tongue could be a great challenge for public and practical events. I completely agree with this statement and I am going to elaborate my take on it in forthcoming paragraphs.
Many individuals believe that it is essential to invest a huge proportion of funds in the development of railway infrastructure; however, I consider enhancing the current mass transit systems.
Raising kids is not an easy process, but it is something crucial to raise them properly, for many people believe that parenting courses are essential before having kids. In my opinion, parents do not need to take courses as there is no proper method of parenting that will suit all of us , and without courses, they will learn more about themselves.
It has been frequently argued that tourists around the world visiting historical monuments have brought ample advantages, whilst few masses opine that it has detrimental consequences for autochthons. In this essay, I would like to shed light on both perspectives along with my opinion in the upcoming paragraphs.
Big corporations spend heavily on marketing products to increase their sales, which indirectly impacts smaller businesses. This is not at all good for the nation’s economy because there would be a monopoly established, and the majority of the others would run out of business. In this essay, there will be a detailed discussion of these problems and the possible solutions.
Housing is one of the fundamental needs of each human in any country and to meet this need, people buy houses. However, the contemporary lifestyle of citizens is more likely to rent and accommodation, than buy it. Although renting provides a vast amount of benefits, there are still some drawbacks to take into account.
It is often argued that the dress code of employees is not necessary simply because it does not affect the quality of their production. In my point of view, I agree with this opinion. However, it does not also show off their professionalism and respect of staff as formal clothes.
Nowadays , There is no doubt that many countries in the world depend on tourism. Some people think that tourism is the best way to connect people , cultures, explore new things , culture etc. from one country to another country. In this essay , I will discuss and explain why tourism is important for a nation with some conception and examples from my own understanding.
**Some people believe that schools should focus more on teaching practical skills that can help students to secure a job. Others argue that schools should focus on academic subjects that provide a foundation for higher education. Discuss both views and give your opinion.**
Introduction, I partially agree with this statement because becoming an entertainment and sports celebrity is not that easy it needs a lot of hard work.But on the other hand, I agree Doctors,Nurses, and Teachers make a great contribution to society and should be paid more.
Many people believe that parents should take care of their children’s physical health. They also believe that schools should include sports and significant exercises in their PE programs. In my opinion, it is crucial to encourage young ones to constantly move and play sports, which will help them in many different ways.
Increasing figures for juvenile delinquencies have become one of the gravest concerns globally, which require prompt actions. Although such acts stem from various sources including parental negligence and viewing violent television shows, there are possible remedial steps to counteract such issues. This essay explores the causative agents of juvenile crimes and proposes solutions to eradicate these activities from societal platforms.
Some individuals believe that the government should pay for health care and education for the residents, while others emphasize that it is solely an individual's responsibility. This essay will discuss both perspectives and explain why I believe that the government should be accountable for both health care and education.
Amount of individuals who seek herbal treatment has surged recently rather than met the common doctor. The growth in alternative medical treatment is increasing due to the growth of the medical treatment rate in hospitals, especially doctors. In my opinion, there are at least 2 reasons behind such as economic constraints and trust issues that force the patient to look for another way to solve the problem. Patients tend to choose alternative medication to the rescue.
Recently, the company has stressed that its product is the latest in many aspects of its advertisement. It is often agreed by many that ads are one of the best media to introduce products to customers. In my opinion, advertising company should not only improve their campaign strategy instead of elevate the quality of their goods. This essay will address the positive side of the writer’s view.
Schools are a second place for children to study and grow up. Nowadays, every school tries to develop especially for quality. Unfortunately, it has some perspective for some and can have positive and negative effects on children. In this essay, I will discuss both these views with my opinion.
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