IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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Some people say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things. Other people think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
In many nations, life expectancy has been growing . This essay will discuss some issues associated with increasing life expectancy and explore possible resolutions to decrease the effect of this matter.
Reading and watching some arguments whether news or essays have always a positive impact on people's development instead of a negative impact . I strongly disagree with that and this essay will explain the beneficial effects of news .
In this contemporary epoch, in various nations across the globe, web series and books related to crime are becoming relentlessly popular among people. In my opinion, these shows and frictions have some positive effects on the mind of the public. This essay will delve into various reasons behind this scenario and will lead to a logical conclusion as well.
In recent times,scholars have observed to move to another country in order to receive tertiary education diplomas.For an abundance of them,it will be the preferred solution to achieve their purposes efficiently. Nevertheless,it can  be a destructive decision in their lives.I strongly agree with the idea that,studying overseas is a great opportunity and there are more advantages than disadvantages.
In living, it is normal that people always have thoughts on something. In fact, others' opinions are able to build our life up in any aspect, for instance, suggestions or advice given by our friends. However, some people argue that it is better to have friends who have the same personal thoughts as we do, and some of them argue that it is crucial to make friends with people who would always agree with our opinions. In this essay, I would like to elaborate on some advantages and disadvantages of both sides.
Nowadays we are living in the era of the technology, computers become a crucial part in every field hence, some people believe it is a nessceray tool we can't dispense without it. Other believe it has a negative impact on the society, in this essay I shall elaborate the different points of view.
I agree with the statement that universities should take a step forward and provide access to education to those from rural backgrounds and those who cannot afford it. In the following paragraphs, I intend to discuss why this needs to be done and suggest ways how universities can help.
In recent times, some argue that being an affluent person may establish the opportunity to tackle the problem of unemployment. From my perspective, I firmly agree that rich people are a significant essential to contribute to people’s opportunities.
The idea of teaching boys and girls in a separated school it has a positive and negative points , also the idea of mix the both sex in the same school it has also have some points of view. In this essay I will elaborate the points of view.
Nowadays, more and more individuals tend to use telemedicine to ask doctors to diagnose their discomfort with their bodies, especially those who live in remote regions. In this essay, I will discuss both the benefits and drawbacks of telemedicine.
It is human nature to discover unknown situations. In recent decades, scientists have become more excited when they reach the moon. This essay will discuss why individuals find this issue ridiculous despite scientist's arguments.
In many parts of the world, there is a belief that people with a propensity to math and natural sciences are more appreciated than humanists(artistic people). In my view, it is unfair to claim that the interests of the former ones are more important than the interests of the latter ones. However, I partly agree since in the decade of technology scientific people are needed, who were valuable even in the past. Although, it does not mean that musicians and artists are unimportant, because listening to music and enjoying movies became everyone's daily routine and it has a great impact on people's mental health.
Food is one of the major things that people need to survive. Although few kids choose healthy food prepared by the school canteen, some still prefer junk food. In this essay, I will state the reasons for both choices.
Most sport events require an enormous amount of financial support from governments, especially regarding well-known international games. In my view, it is extravagant, costing a massive amount of money to host them. Some people are strong advocates of reducing spending on sport events, since governments would consequently be at risk of fiscal deficit, resulting in the instability of society. Governments are compelled to fulfil many duties with a limited budget; in order to service the public more efficiently, they are obligated to control the spending. Otherwise, once the government spending overtakes its solvency, governments are likely to be dysfunctional, followed by social chaos. Rather than investing huge amounts of money into sporting competitions, it might be more rational to improve the quality of the society's infrastructure, developing robust medical care systems and ensuring more vulnerable groups receive adequate welfare from the government. This will help maintain the s...
With the development of cutting-edge technology, more and more individuals tend to purchase online rather than visit nearby retailers. There are some benefits and drawbacks of this problem.
In contemporary society, the proliferation of visits to remote and fragile places hovers at a high level. The phenomenon causes a significant amount of disadvantages, and various resolutions can be taken to address them.
With advancements in technology, the education system has also revolutionised which eventually has changed the demands of the job market as well. Knowing more than one language for communication is always good. Some people are of the opinion that new languages should be introduced earlier whereas others believe that they should be taught in secondary classes. This essay will discuss both sides and then give an opinion.
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