IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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Some say that killing someone as punishment is also a crime that society makes, so, according to this the death penalty should be banned, and life in prison would be enough for them, this essay will not agree completely however the death penalty is a tough punishment because you take the opportunity of living.
Many people believe that physical education classes are beneficial for student's education, while others think that it is more crucial to concentrate on academic classes during school time. In this essay, I will discuss my point of view followed by reasons and examples.
These days, whereas, the people living have been developing, but the rate of crimes is climbing; as a result, governments kill people who do it, but a group of people believe that when society kills one person for an offence. In fact, the population making crime too, yet the best way for these kinds of people is to live in prison. I subscribe to this idea because people who are not good can be changed and family of these inhabitants can see them.
Some believe that teaching children how to be acceptable members of the society is parents' responsibility and I think it is the best way because juveniles spend a lot of time at home. However, others state that the best place to learn is the school as teachers do that more effectively.
In numerous countries, people’s way of life is transformed significantly and this impacts family connections. While changes have benefits due to strengthening s between family members, they pale in comparison with stress that can cause arguments within the family
Regarding the fact that we are living in the modern society, quite a few people make an effort to determine new profitable approaches to health issues. Consequently, a considerable number of people firmly state that the topic of health deserves more attention, awareness and capital, while the other majority of people unanimously denounce and claim that there is no use in emphasizing this matter on a big scale. Personally, I hold the view that we should ponder over this tender subject equally and properly. The following essay targets to support the mentioned statements above with appropriate reasons and examples.
A large amount of students think that the habitual type of examination with pen and paper is not the best. In the modern world, we have plenty of opportunities and things, that help us from the beginning of life.
The given plans show the layout of the university's sports centre now, and how It will look after redevelopment.
Despite certain developments in agriculture, people still suffer from hunger in some parts of the world. There are several reasons for this issue, which this essay will clarify and cover several ways to solve.
In the modern world, there is a propensity among educators to opt for online learning for their beloved apprenticce. While it is anticipated that there will be a time when lecturer will be replaced by computer tutors, in my opinion, I contend that the presence of this tutorer cannot be fully eliminated from learning spaces.
In modern society, some people have been discussing whether changes that introduce automatic vehicles in the future exert a positive effect or not. In this essay, I will debate and explain my opinion about this topic.
Gradual decrease in the quality of people's well being is becoming a topic of concern amongst the masses, and it is predicted to keep falling. The essay strongly agrees as rising number of health issues is associated with increased environmental issues and the lack of conscious healthy choices in modern life.
Medical care is one of the most basic requirements for the sustenance of human life. Although, most countries' citizens have to pay for their medical checkups, others believe that the government makes such necessities free for all. This essay completely agrees with this statement as the government has enough resources to provide free healthcare. Furthermore, the poor people benefit a lot by making such amenities free of charge.
Playing games and sports contributes more to children's mental and physical health. In this modern world, offspring give more importance to playing computer games rather than sports. I think this is a negative development, because of the new invention of virtual games that look more attractive.
It is said that some believe the government should spend their money elsewhere rather than on the arts, because it is a waste of money. I strongly disagree with this opinion due to its financial benefits.
There is an opinion that children from the age of 18 and below should be obligated to go to school. This is a notion I strongly align with as I believe that it makes society better and prevents child labor.
Due to advanced technology, computers have revolutionized the way students learn. With the advent of artificial intelligence, some people believe that a human educator will no longer have a place in classrooms. From my point of view, it is undeniable that e-learning benefits pupils in many ways, but I firmly disagree that human teachers are unnecessary in schools. In this essay, I will state my reasons with examples.
With the advent of advanced technology, computer games have become so captivating that our future pillars are often driven to be obsessed with them at the expense of academics. This has sparked a hot heated debate over whether students should be granted complete autonomy to arrange their schedules. However, I cannot entirely agree with the idea that parents should deprive their children of the freedom to manage their own time.
Children today spend significantly more time watching television than they did in the past. This shift has brought both advantages and disadvantages that impact their development and well-being. Understanding these effects is crucial for parents and caregivers in managing television consumption effectively.
It is true that tourism plays an important role in countries or local communities. Some people think governments should spend more money on the development of tourism. I completely agree with this argument for several reasons.
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