IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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Some believed that male and female students should study in the same schools, while others suggested they should learn in a single-gender environment. In this essay, I will explain both sides of the view, and I personally support the idea that study should be separate based on gender differences.
Juvenile crime is always a controversial topic worldwide. Many people believe that the rate of teenage crime is related to parents’ manners and providing parents with how to nourish their children is the best solution to reduce juvenile delinquency. I totally agree with this opinion
In this contemporary epoch, most individuals have very hectic schedules. Due to busy life, people get health ailments because they are not able to exercise daily. This essay will delve into the reasons behind the above scenario and will provide some solutions to this problem.
In recent years, the way we used to do physical training has changed completely. Many people around the world often hire a personal fitness trainer who can train them, and they are reluctant to play games and other physical group activities. I feel that it is a negative development due to a compelling reason, which I will explain in the forthcoming paragraphs with relevant examples.
The diagrams illustrate how an airport site is planned to be developed next year. It is clear that there will be extensive developments with regard to the construction of facilities on this site.
It is already common for many companies to invest in sports to advertise themselves. Although some believe that this situation is positive due to its own advantages because it can raise awareness among people about brands, I totally disagree with the statement and support those arguing that it is negative as it can negatively influence both companies and sports players in some cases.
Recently many companies have already highlighted that their products are cutting-edge via advertising and this situation can create a negative impact on the buyers. This essay will discuss both the negative and positive sides of businesses.
Presently, a high average working hour is considered an important factor in enhancing the economic development of many nations, which also causes detrimental social repercussions. In my perspective, I firmly concur with this view because I recognize several advantages and drawbacks of working for a longer time, which impact both the economy and social aspects of those countries.
It is the irrefutable point that children are the future of the nation, but sometimes this notion looks wrong when juveniles make a big mistake, as the latest newspaper article reports that a 14-year-old boy, damaged school and got punishment for cleaning streets instead of being sent to the prison and I am in favor of this punishment rather than sending teenagers to jail. I will explain all the reasons with relevant examples in the following paragraphs.
Nowadays, the majority of people handling electronic devices to read news and gain details instead of using newspapers or paper books. I agree with the idea that the community should use technology more than traditional ways. In the upcoming paragraphs, I shall discuss my point of view in detail.
These days, technology is developing really fast, and we can see most of the people who live in society have cars; as a result, the number of air pollution has been increasing, so a group of people believe when we have an international car-free day then we can decline the effect of this evidence; however, other populations think we can use some ways which have more influence. In my opinion, the first idea cannot solve this problem, but when companies change their way and car companies produce vehicles with less pollution we can solve this issue.
One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is that some people think that the young people they should only study until they are 18 and not be distracted from their lessons. It is undeniable that study become an essential part of our life. Now people are beginning to realize that some children have their own different views on life and some have difficulty learning. Personally, I tend to think that he has his own choice of what he will do until he turns 18, but parents should also not leave him unattended; they should also monitor the child’s actions.
Nowadays the internet is an everyday thing for any inhabitant of the world. However, some people have considered that the internet has had more disadvantages than positive aspects. In my opinion it brings more benefits for people than problems.
People nowadays tend to put more hours into their jobs compared to the past and it's a source of more stress, because most jobs in today's age are a 9-5 and employers expect you to fulfil that. Bosses can help out their employees by cutting their hours or hiring more people.
In this contemporary world, everyone has a busy schedule because of that humans have stopped focusing on their physical health, hence, some believe that physical education should be prioritised from a younger age and that schools must contribute to children's physical development and mental health. Others argue that schools should only focus on children's academic development because of the growing competition and fewer opportunities in the current economy. I believe a more nuanced approach is necessary.
Society is well-balanced due to government rules and regulations. However, it could be ruined if all the legislation would have been ceased. I totally agree with the given statement. This essay will shed light on its valid points in further discussion.
With the development of technology film industry has developed over the years. Nowadays, individuals would like to watch international movies instead of national films. In my opinion, there are several reasons to choose foreign films. I am also convinced that it is reasonable for each society to have financial support for their movie industries.
In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for community. Why might be this is the case? Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?
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