IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6.5

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In some nations, it is becoming more and more popular for individuals to follow a vegetarian diet. In my opinion, the merits of vegetarian diet outweigh the demerits because vegetarian diet provide healthy lifestyle as well as environmentally friendly.
One policy of the mayoral candidate in my hometown is to increase the number of bilingual primary schools. Some voting public thinks the policy will benefit the next generation because foreign language proficiency is a bridge to the world. Whereas, some parents concern it can place a heavy burden on their kids. I would say the advantages of learning foreign tounges earlier override the disadvantages as I think languages are powerful learning tools throughout children's school life.
Nowadays some countries provide education and healthcare for free for their citizens, but the price for the taxes are higher than in other countries. On the one ,side it is a good trend, ,however there are some disadvantages. In this essay, I will overview the pros and cons and give my opinion in conclusion.
Technological advancements are on the rise with each passing day. As new and improved machines are getting invented, the leisure time of people has increased because of most of the work being done by these machines. This evolvement will have both its benefits and challenges and these are discussed in upcoming paragraphs.
The increasing of online books leads to reduce the hard copy books. Some people claim that this trend is a good step forward, whereas the others disagree with it. This essay will present the benefits and disadvantages of this development.
Parents' role in shaping their child's life is indispensable. It is a common practice in households worldwide to give a child whatever he/she may ask for. I am of the fierce belief that this tradition should be condemned as it can have severe implications when they grow up. In this essay, I will outline why it is wrong for parents to do so and what after-effects youngsters might suffer from.
In the years to come, humans can prolong life expectancy to even 150. The main benefit of that is each person can have abundant time to enjoy their life with their family. Meanwhile, in the bigger picture, we couldn't deny the fact that many elderly will put an economic strain on society.
With the rising more and more population that ever-increasing competition, some students are required to take up jobs along with their education, in their available time for studies which put them under greater stress. This essay will discuss the pros and cons and suggest solutions to it.
the issue of whether children should live with their parents has been raising a lot of debates nowadays. Some might say that staying with family can bring youthful beneficial effects on their growth such as the development of their behaviour towards others, that make them feel more and more happy and satisfied. On the opposite side, some teenagers are moving out of their homes when they are 18 years old to become independent and responsible towards their growth. looking at a general perspective, I personally agree with the former opinion for the following reasons.
The popularity of multinational companies is widespread in developing nations. In the following ,essay I will discuss the pros and cons of these multinational companies for the country and elaborate on them.
In the modern day, the strong evolution of the Internet has helped people a lot when everything they do becomes easier and more favourable. Hence, information technology is no exception as it is gradually becoming a good friend to everyone, especially to workers, which facilitates efficient performance while they are at home, at a coffee shop or even on a journey instead of going to their company. From my perspective, I actually believe that the impact of information technology has more positive effects than its drawbacks and in this essay, I will discuss the reasons, with a few examples as attached, why I think so.
Nowadays, the majority of young generations apply for university studies after finishing their basic education. Most of the work placements ask for higher studies in order to work in their workplaces, so it recently became a need for most graduates. There is a rising trend of children taking a gap year before enrolling on further university experiences. In this essay, we are going to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of taking this decision.
Telecommuting has become the latest trend of this decade, especially due to the COVID pandemic last year. More and more people are opting for working from home rather than physically going to the office. Technology boon in recent years has majorly contributed to telecommuting. There are both upsides and downsides to remote working which is impacting all aspects of human life, whether it be personal life, professional life, and the environment as well.
It is no doubt that there are many factors that have altered family relationships recently. Currently,there is an increasing number of childless marriages. This trend has both benefits and hardships for individuals and society. In the following, we will draw attention to the drawbacks of this trend as well as the advantages of this choice.
In recent days, many regions have promoted car-free days, encouraging or requiring people to reduce the use of cars and take more public transportation. But this phenomenon has aroused heated discussions in society. Some people think that reducing the use of cars will do more good than harm, while others hold the opposite view. In my opinion, the advantages of reducing the use of private cars outweigh the disadvantages.
Recently, a topic about the advantages and disadvantages of online training and conferences has aroused heated discussions in society. Some people believe that online training and meetings have more advantages than offline face-to-face communication, while others hold the opposite view. In my opinion, I think the advantages of online training and conferences outweigh the disadvantages.
It has become a trend that more and more business training and seminars are being held online. While some may worry about the negatives of this trend, in my opinion, its advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.
It is certainly true that today many individuals prefer to run their own business instead of working for employers. There are several reasons behind for why people select self-employed, I think this tend can bring downsides such as, financial risks, strees.
Most cultures around the globe teach their children to work hard in order to gain achievement. For example, society in most Asian countries encourages their children to study until late at night to get excellent grades in school or be admitted to top universities. Besides, the students are also forced to get supplementary courses to achieve. This phenomenon may influence the mental condition of the young generation, either positively or negatively.
Due to the advancement of technology, a lot of nations are left behind while others are getting sharper. Children travelling to different countries will have a good effect on their mental development. I believe, in my humble opinion, the notion stated above has more merits than detriments.
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