IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6.5

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People hold distinctive opinions regarding a debate which is linked to whether a child needs to be raised in a city or in the countryside. Both of these options have merits and demerits, which I will elaborate on in this essay.
Large residential apartments have become a ubiquitous presence in our daily lives due to the fast urbanization era. From my point of view, I strongly believe that the positive implications of this trend can eclipse its drawback.
In recent decades, watching television has become one of the favourite leisure time activities among children. There is an argument that whether spending too much time in front of the television brings advantages to kids or not. In the following essay, I will discuss the positive as well as negative aspects of such a phenomenon in full detail.
It is true to say that in this contemporary era, instead of pursuing traditional jobs, people opt to be self-employed. Independent work offers individuals the opportunity to have more control over their work, set their own schedules and potentially earn more income. However, every coin has two sides, while self-employment offers numerous benefits, it is important to acknowledge that it also comes with certain drawbacks.
There are a lot of countries where children work in different half-time jobs. Some people believe part-time work is on behalf of the children as they can learn real-life earlier while others think this situation can negatively affect the youngster`s psychology. I believe that the disadvantages of this trend vastly outweigh the advantages.
It is an irrefutable fact that a large number of juveniles nowadays have their own cell phones.Although,many may see it as a positive phenomenon but it is not a trend without drawbacks.Both the benefits and darker side of this existence would be discussed in the subsequent paragraphs.
The world has made massive progress in the field of communication and technology. Mobile phones and the internet provide numerous benefits to people of all age groups. However, it may be most useful to the elderly generation. Sadly, this generation uses these phones the least. This essay will discuss the various benefits of this technology and will also provide solutions to increase technological engagement among older folk.
Advanced technologies provoke the incremental population who work from a distance nowadays. Despite some downsides derived from such trends, such as procrastination at work; and less communication in teams, I personally agree that the merits of working from cyber outweigh the disadvantages.
Nuclear power has been a controversial topic for many decades, with proponents arguing that it provides a source of cheap, clean energy, while opponents point to the risks of nuclear weapons, accidents, and waste. In this essay, I will weigh the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power and argue that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.
The importance of online shopping has always been debatable and has now become more controversial with its increasing popularity. This phenomenon has several merits and drawbacks however, as per my way of thinking, the benefits of this situation are more than its downside.
It is undeniable that there are many people who used technology to communicate, for example, we had to talk with friends through applications such as Facebook messager, line, and apps. Moreover, some people are delighted to meet their friends.
In many countries these days, more and more people prefer to have children at older ages. Although there are some drawbacks to consider, I believe that the benefits of this trend outweigh the downsides.
It is claimed by experts that children should let their parents understand everything about them. Although there are some benefits to this view, there are some drawbacks that overshadow the advantages. This essay will give two advantages about this problem, children seem to be uncomfortable and being attacked mental health , ,however there is also a belief that parents try to protect their child from bad things.
In the past few days, the topic of whether rich countries should provide economic assistance to poor countries or if other forms of assistance can help solve poverty problems has sparked heated discussions in society. Some people believe that offering financial assistance is the most effective way to combat poverty, whereas others contend that targeted aid in other areas would be more beneficial for impoverished nations. I believe that providing other forms of aid can help to address the root causes of poverty in developing countries.
Nowadays, parents prefer to give their kids foreign language education as soon as possible. Although several people argued that children often become confuse learning new language, the benefit of it is they will be prepared to their future education and life. This essay will elaborate the reasons of it.
Some people think that the regular use of social media applications is replacing physical contact for individuals in day-to-day life. The below paragraph will discuss some of the advantages as well as disadvantages of the former topic.
Nowadays, people are interested in purchasing more consumer products such as household appliances and jewellery, which is a disadvantage since, people are becoming less productive and buying these items is expensive, thus proving to be an inappropriate way of spending money.
It is a common belief that global tourism is likely to damage the environment or cultural treasures of countries as travelling abroad has become affordable to more people. However, there is a more persuasive argument that cheaper travel encourages individuals to experience various cultures and extend their insights through international trips.
Nowadays, the price of travelling on a worldwide scale is becoming affordable and many nations are welcoming an increasing number of tourists in a straightforward way. Although these trends have both pros and cons, their benefits have much greater potential effects than drawbacks.
In some nations, it is becoming more and more popular for individuals to follow a vegetarian diet. In my opinion, the merits of vegetarian diet outweigh the demerits because vegetarian diet provide healthy lifestyle as well as environmentally friendly.
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