IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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Nowadays, the number of people who download and start using different kind of softwares and applications, which are helping them with a language they are unfamiliar with, is increasing. However there are both pros and cons to decide to this and I will discuss some reasons why this idea has more disadvantages than advantages.
In the modern era, the joint families are converted into nuclear families to a significant extent due to the fact that people are migrating from rural areas to urban areas in search of jobs and many other reasons. This trend has ample of pros and cons that I will discuss in the following paragraphs.
Today, publics are able to attain the fame with ease through the television shows and networks. Some people prefer to enjoy the benefits that can be brought by being celebrated, while others claim that this will have an enormous negatively effect on one's personal life. From my perspective, I tend to the latter statement, the idea of both sides with my own opinion together will be further discussed and elaborated in this essay.
In this developing world, advancements in the communication and transportation sector has enabled individuals to live and do their jobs from anywhere. This essay will argue that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. This essay will first demonstrate that with such developments people can spend more time with their families, followed by an analysis of how the primary disadvantage, namely decreased work efficiency, is not valid.
Youngsters constitute a larger proportion of populace in some countries compared to elderly. It is mainly beneficial as the youth is a main working force compared to few disadvantages it might have.
Undoubtedly, most nations, today, are seeing a rapid population rise due to which demand for housing has increased multifold. It is hotly debated whether these new townships should be constructed in villages or within cities. In my opinion, it is more sensible to build new houses in metros as they are well-equipped with important amenities and it would also curb unnecessary travel which is a cause of global warming.
In the contemporary society, with the outbreak of modernistic technologies set, the way children spend their leisure time has partly altered. Although there are some undeniable benefits of this phenomenon, I am of the opinion that the drawbacks are more significant.
The meaning of teenagers working has been increasingly significant in a fast moving and dynamic society. The question here is whether the students should start working while they are still in school or not. Before giving a reasonable answer to that, it is important to look at the debate from following angles.
Foreign language studies are a typical component of curriculums the world over. However, the exact age at which students should first be introduced to a second language is often debated. Whether first taught at primary school or secondary school, advantages and disadvantages can be identified. This essay will analyse these items in an effort to prove one age group better than the other at which to begin foreign language studies.
Today, workers have the opportunity to work remotely due to advances in Information Technology and transportation. This essay will argue that the advantages of this outweigh the drawbacks. It will be first demonstrated that people, in general, feel better when they can work more comfortably and that this ability can reduce costs for both employer and employee, followed by an analysis of how the primary disadvantage, namely unemployment by job transfer, is not valid.
It is thought by some people that devising an alternative tongue is a best way to improve global language. Despite there are several pros associated with a novel tongue, there are amply drawbacks. The essay will demonstrate firstly the cons of this statement, following by the merits of it.
As the advance of the transport industry and the commonness of the vehicles, there is a growing requirement for fuel. Consequently, it is essential to discover more sources from those distant and unspoiled regions. Some people strong believe that it can benefited the entire mankind, while others oppose with this statement. The idea of both sides with my own opinion together will be further discussed and elaborated in this essay.
Nowadays, society of certain nations holds a quite low number of young adults compared with the amount of the elder ones. This essay will discuss if the advantages of having a good proportion of young adults amongst the population are more important than its disadvantages.
There are a number of websites available on internet but social media websites have become more popular as it attracts the users of all age groups. In my opinion, I do completely agree that they are used to connect people majorly alongside the increase in cybercrime.
Sports and other physical activities are quite famous among all age groups in many countries around the world. In my opinion, the demerits of this trend are negligible, when compared to the numerous merits. This essay will further elaborate my view point.
A group of individuals is in an opinion that the primary purpose of education is to obtain a highly paid job, whereas others contradict with this premise and firmly believe that the university part not merely to assist vocational training but to train people to become a well versed person who can help the society. Both the views have their own strengths which are discussed in detail followed by my viewpoint.
In the past, most people used to travel to their place of work. With increased use of computers, the internet and smartphones, more and more people are starting to work from home. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development?
In the modern life, there are new policies and guidelines that mandate firms to give the right to their employees to perform jobs outside the office. Instead of travelling to work, a greater number of people are working from home, using their computer or some other device connected to the internet. Although this has some major benefits, there are also some drawbacks, and both will be considered below.
In these salads of the millennium, there is no denying fact that, people spending too much time in the task and prefer very little time for relaxation activities is ubiquitous around the globe. One school of thought opine that this phenomenon is offering multifarious benefits to people. However, others consider a couple of problems also occur because of the same. Although, it has a plethora of merits yet numerous demerits also there, which will elaborate in the upcoming paragraphs.
In the modern world, there are so many jobs that everyone has to think carefully of their career path. However, it is apparent that some may have difficulty in finding the suitable job, making them change their jobs and career. In my opinion, i think it may bring enormous drawbacks that exceed the advantages.
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