IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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It is undeniably true that an increasing number of organizations from the whole world are gradually adopting the online method either for commercial meetings or training sessions. In my perception, the advantage of this practice outweighs its drawback as it saves time and money.
It is prevalent that a majority of people are intending to be entrepreneurs rather than being employed by organizations or corporations. Despite various advantages and skills that people can archive from this trend, there are many drawbacks that entrepreneurs should prudently consider.
Thanks to technological advancements, citizens could sit at home, conveniently shopping through a screen. While there are some drawbacks of online shopping, I tend to believe that this activity is an important contribution to enhancing the standard of living.
Nowadays, Folks tend to travel more than olden days. The trip has been an integral part in the life. This essay would elucidate the purpose of travel and benefits derived from them.
Nowadays, the number of people buying their products online instead of buying in local markets is increasing. Overall, there are advantages to buy online, such as, cheapest prices and bigger range of products. And, some disadvantages such as, long wait to get the product and do not know the product quality.
That living standard of people is enhancing day by day is attributable to the increase concern about well-being issues, as well as health care services. While privately-owned companies have made heath services quite expensively that not everyone can afford, I strongly believe that this disadvantage is overshadowed by its advantage which is sharing responsibilities with state-owned health care institutions in taking care of the public’s health.
It has been a dream of mine as a teenager to continue my studies abroad where I can live freely and independently. I have believed that the quality of education available abroad has always been above standard and the calibre of students that the international schools have produced are exemplary.
Educational systems vary significantly across the world, forcing some students to specialize when they reach 15,whereas others encourage a wider range of learning. While both systems had the same unique advantages, I would argue that school students should acquire a broad education
Nowadays, the majority of people can't live without using a mobile phone. This is because, by many years, it has become the most used item by people.
Today, more and more children are growing up watching TV. This has both advantages and disadvantages.
Citizens pay a big ratio of their taxes to space exploration each year. Some advantage of paying to space exploration companies is that they search for potential populable planets in our galaxy; they also help us in everyday situations, such as providing internet and helping us navigate anywhere. On the other hand, exploring space has disadvantages that are negligence to other institutions such as healthcare and education, and the threats to astronauts’ lives.
In this commercialized / globalized world, many countries are importing goods from other countries for local consumption. In my opinion, there are both advantages and disadvantages to this practice.
In this day and age, a growing tendency towards design and construction can be witnessed in many cities. In fact, rather than sticking to shared similar architectural patterns of the local area, a large number of urban dwellers have opted for more personal designs in their newly-constructed houses. From my perspective, the disadvantages of this tendency are far weightier compared to its benefits, which will be meticulously explained as follows.
Unlike in the past, a rising number of people postpone having children to a later time in their life these days. I think there are more benefits to this trend than drawbacks.
In recent years, living in big cities has become a popular trend of young generation. It is their view that cities are ideal places to live. While there are some undoubted benefits of this trend, such as the high living standard and the opportunity to build and develop career, there is also significant disadvantage, namely environmental pollution.
Joy is the primary requisite of every single human being on earth, yet it is tough to describe as a result of delusion to find bliss. The approach of seeking happiness is the root cause defining it. Here we will moot on influences that drive us towards delight.
People think its better to be self-employed than to work under someone or for a company or organization. As the competition in the world is increasing day by day, where everyone wants to become rich and survive. Following which, to fulfil this dream they go through various losses and go into debt. This essay will explain you the advantages and also the disadvantages of the same.
Nowadays, the majority of teenagers decide to leave their country to work or travel for a long period after finishing high school and before starting university. In my opinion, I believe that a year away from home is important to grow up. In this essay, I will discuss about the advantages and disadvantages for students who decide to do this.
Nowadays, the number of people who download and start using different kind of softwares and applications, which are helping them with a language they are unfamiliar with, is increasing. However there are both pros and cons to decide to this and I will discuss some reasons why this idea has more disadvantages than advantages.
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