IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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Some people share a perspective that secondary school children should study international news as one of school subjects. And that is mainly because it enlightens them with more knowledge and broadens their horizons. Likewise, there are other folks who consider it as a waste of valuable school time because they think students should focus solely on academic books. In the essay, I will discuss both sides. In my opinion, I firmly believe reading foreign articles should be mandatory for peripheral academy kids.
In the past few decades, Psychologists learned that the emotions of humans can change by colour. Moreover, choosing a colour in places is important. This essay will examine the reasoning behind my opinion and presents examples.
These days, there is an ongoing debate about purchasing goods on social media become popular and more. On the other hand, some people think this method is not suitable. This essay will presents why buying things on the internet has more benefits than disadvantages.
Presently , some nations have a high percentage of young adults in comparison to old people. The advantages of younger people that provide the workforce required for robust economic activities and have a lesser burden of disease for a society to support, outweigh the disadvantages of inexperience, which is more in the elderly.
There is no denying of the fact that nowadays youngsters spend a lot of time in watching television as compared to the earlier times. This has both pros and cons. Some of them are mentioned in the below paragraphs.
Drinking water plays a significant role in daily life. They are many reasons for this crisis, what countermeasures can be taken to solve this problem. In the following paragraph, I Intend to state my main reasons such as dumping waste material and rise in temperature and suggestions to tackle these problems.
The youth of today has much more freedom of choice than ever before. It has been noticed that when they are not working some are studying and seeing their families less. In this essay, I will discuss the causes for this and why it has more disadvantages than positives.
Today, the high sale of popular consumer material reflects the power of advertising and not the real needs of the people in which they are sold. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Today, the lifestyle of some people have taken a turn in so many ways. Individuals from all age groups would rather stay at home over and over than spending some time outside. This way of living definitely has causes and directly leads to unhealthy development.
A wedding is an occasion that celebrates the happiness of two families getting married. In the present , the era it has been observed that the wedding is celebrated in a grand manner and the spending has increased significantly . The spending can be compared as a drastically increment to the earlier days . The cause for this will be analyzed and the negative effect on society will be described in the upcoming paragraphs .
most of country face to growth older papulation and consequency health problem and insurance cost increase in there. So doctors advise old citisens to do more exercise while they do not care to the doctor usually. This phenamonon due to several causes like fear and pain that those are solved by more attention to them.
All of people consider that women can be good parents more than men. For this reason, everyone thinks that women are suitable to take care of their children the most. However, others agree that men also good at parenting same as women. In my point of view, I concur that women are gentler to be ready teaching their kids. However, for men, they have a better power to raise their children.
Drinking water plays an significant rile in the daily life. They are many reasons for this crisis, what counter measures can be taken to solve this prblem. In the following paragraph, I Intend to state my main reasons such as dumping waste material and rise in temperature and suggestions to tackle these problems.
In today's world, the demand for meat is increasing day by day as it contains different types of proteins and minerals. Meat production needs considerably ample land as compared to crop production. It is believed by some people that eating meat should be restricted globally because it reduces the land rapidly. In this essay, I will discuss about the steps can be taken to lessening the global meat consumption and the problems which might be caused because of such measures.
Nowadays, the more society develops, the more the technology develops, hence the necessity of computers for human life. However, some people think that using a computer has a negative influence on young children. In my view, it is evident that using it has not only disadvantages, but also advantages
In few nations, senior political leaders are making a lesser amount of money than celebrities. I am of the firm opinion that this is very bad for the society and it is going to do more harm than benefit.The following paragraphs will discuss the main cause for this.
The world is changing a lot than the previous time and the living standard of people is improving. Therefore, many people choose to live differently versus their parents, and marrying lately or having children later is one of different things. There are some reasons to lead this phenomenon and also bring the negative effect to society.
Despite the fact that our stay here is temporary and soon we have to depart from here without any baggage service, we all feel high when we got achievements and low when something is not happening the way we want.
In the modern world, parents always want their children to be successful with much force on them. There are some reasons to explain for this trend and this development has both positive and negative.
In this modern-day society, ordering things through online platform is becoming more common as internet provides various benefits to humans’ lives. I personally believe that the positive impacts on online shopping undermine its negative sides.
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