IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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These days, immigration has been a remarkable issue bringing a large quantity of negative effects on the community in general. There are 2 prime causes leading to unstable society all over the world and I will explain them below.
Some people are gradually becoming aware of the historical culture developed by people-lived-in houses or buildings.This shows us its materials, construction and technology, etc. to find out more details about their house or accommodation, positively in the development of cultural diversity. This encourages socially-cultural awareness, helping countries extend their own influence on culture as architecture.
It is often argued that the unemployed individuals who receive benefits from the country authoriries should volunteer to give back to the society they live in. I would like to agree with this statement and my essay will discuss the reasons why this is necessary.
It is seen that a certain portion of the population desires to live by themselves. This phenomenon can be attributed to changes in the values that individuals and societies pursue. It is hard to say that it is a positive or a negative trend.
When it comes to education, the East and the West have strikingly different approaches. Whereas for the Westerners, exemplified by the United States, middle and high school students are allowed to choose the subjects that they wish to study about, in the East, people take a standardised approach by equating children of the same age with a similar educational program nationwide. Although each method has its own strengths and weaknesses, I am personally in favour of the Western approach because I believe that it taps into the potential of each child.
Some people frequently change their jobs over the years. There are many reasons for this. While there are a few disadvantages of changing the job constantly, I believe that advantages are far more.
Nowadays, children are paying less attention to school than before. There are various reasons behind this such as hard curriculum, harsh schedule and mischievous behaviour. In this essay, I will explain these causes in more detail and try to offer some effective solutions to at least alleviate this problem.
Happiness is the ultimate goal of life for anyone across the globe. The majority of people think that it can be achieved by earning property as they feel that it will delight life. Of course, wealth is an important factor to think about but not the primary one. In this essay, I will elucidate the reasons to prove health and relationship are the primary aspects in life that leads to happiness.
In the 21st century, the field of education brings enormous changes where as the parents always compelling their children to succeed these norms. In this essay, I will explain the constructive and destructive effects the on the given statement and I strongly support that pressurising students for study generate a negative impact on their development.
Not being able to focus on the class is one of the inherent characteristics of youngers in their learning journeys. In my point of view, this can attribute to two main reasons: mismatched learning methods and the development of the game industry. This article will explain the reasons and give corresponding solutions.
It is irrefutable that these days wild animals are on the vulnerable line to get extinct. I believe an ample reasons behind this dilemma and viable steps should be taken by the public and government to alleviate this situation.
Choosing to live permanently in a foreign country is a key effect in society. There are several reasons that cause this to happen and this can gradually lead to a number of results. The following paragraphs will discuss the two main causes of immigration and what are the consequences.
These days development in tourism and technology increasing day by day furthermore, nowadays there is a huge trend in tourism and research in far places such as the south pole. However, there is a pros and cons of everything in this essay we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of traveling to remote natural environment.
We can notice that man-made activities have grown exponentially since the born of the 21st century. We as humans have taken everything for granted. As we are given natural gift of intelligence, we consider ourselves superior, but the nature has its own way to show us our real picture, whenever, we try to overpower the natural environment. If we don't understand the importance of saving the natural habitat now, sooner or later we will suffer its consequences. In this essay, we will discuss the man-made causes for the rise in temperatures, as well as the way forward to deal with these problems.
In recent years, due to long working hours, the public suffers from a wide range of problems, such as mental diseases and limited time to spend with their families. I believe this phenomenon results from technological development, globalisation and encouraging organisation' atmosphere. Employers can tackle this issue by encouraging senior members to go home earlier.
Misconception and lack of research about the criminal world have been revolving in our society for decades. People, today are convinced that the offenders who have been imprisoned for their misdeed have a scope to reinvent themselves in the community by giving them a chance to educating them in the prison which will benefit them to obtain a job once they are out; in turn reducing the number of crimes in the society. I disagree that limited or no education may cause a person to be a criminal and believe that it has nothing to do with the knowledge gained from schooling or at-home education.
In the world there are many things that people want to change but there are also others that we cannot change, it is very difficult to change them because of how other people see them, because while some of us agree, there are others that may disagree, but I think that our future is not changed by someone else but by ourselves making all those changes that we want for our lives as this can help us improve our future and our lifestyle, I think that we can change our future by striving and sh...
In this modern time, few people believe that life in the cities is not comfortable. but they face many troubles staying there. There are many causes of staying in urban places. However, it can be resolved by taking necessary actions.
In recent years, televised talent shows or also known as reality shows have risen in popularity massively. Whereas, the main purpose of these shows is to find talent from the crowd. In contrast, few people believe that it's just for entertainment. This essay will discuss in detail whether such a talent hunt can really do justice to real talent.
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