IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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In this day and age, the authority has been encouraged its people to commute via bike on a regular basis. It is controversial that whether this is positive or negative advice. As far as I am concerned, I lean toward the balance level and will outline the reasons below.
Today one of the most serious issues facing the majority of large urban countries is security. In a modern ,community people have been confronted with feeling unsafe in unwinded places and outside too. The main reasons are related to mainstream tendency as crime and murder.
In the present era, workout has become almost extinct from the life of an individual because of their hectic schedule. Cosequently, it started depreciating one's fitness. There are multiple causes for it such as bad time management skills and less financial capabilities and a possible solution for it could be self realisation and initiatives by the authorities. I will explain it in detail further.
Safety has become more concerned than ever before no matter people are staying home or travelling around. This negative feeling could be resulted from media or from real dangers in relation to our vulnerability in this time of technology and online connectedness. For each reason, the solutions differ.
Parents are giving more pressure on their's beloved child due to they will be lived in a sophisticated life. Therefore, they put an enormous level of pressure on their kids. This essay discusses what is the reason of mothers do this and I think this is negative improvements for a child life.
Exploration nowadays a debatable topic, few people opine that it enhances the handicraft sector, and generate employment in the country, while, others believe that it deteriorates the surroundings. I completely agree with the first mind, as well , I believe it is hazardous for the environment. In this essay, I will discuss both mindsets.
In high school, it is a crucial year for students to figure out what the thing they want to learn in university because of this it makes many high schools provide lots of various subjects, such as physics, languages, laws, biology, chemical, and others. However, there is one module that they did not provide for their students, which is financial management that also essential for their lives.
Nowadays we are witnessing an alarming trend in the recent wave of migration. Undoubtedly, it has an enormous influence on a host country along with its society. This essay will shed light on the intentions of individuals who are eager to flee from their homeland together with the aftermaths that can occur.
The global economy has rapidly changed within the recent history. Certain authorities claim that a number of small retail outlets are giving-up their shops around the world. In my view, the increasing number of supermarkets and changing of consumers’ buying behaviors are the main reasons for this situation. However, in my opinion, despite all the plus points, there are several drawbacks outweigh towards the countries’ economy and the community wellbeing through this situation.
Nowadays, it is apparent that the advancement of automaton has played a vital in our daily life, which in the near future, the robot will be significantly developed and become more and more involved in our routine. As a result, a well-being and livelihood of humans will be getting improved. In this essay, a tendency to apply robots as well as the reasons to support why an increase in robots use will contributes to beneficial development, will be discussed in detail.
In between lecture, few pupils like a discussion on different academic topics while some students do not like a debate on curriculum topics and they just want straightforward lectures .however, I prefer both and I also outline my view with a specific cause and some examples.
Nowadays, purchasing things on the online channel, including books, air ticket and groceries is becoming more popular. In my opinion, the benefits of shopping online outweigh its disadvantages. In the following paragraphs, I will give reasons to support my view.
Despite of the growth in technology, education and other sectors, some nations around the world recorded a gradual decrease in the number of marriage and having the first child between 20-30 aged. In the following paragraphs, I will discuss the reasons behind having babies late in life, and how the negatives outweigh the positives.
The idea of earth being the only habitable planet in the universe was long believed to be true. Recently due to the development of ,,technology there are lots of reasons to expect alien life from outside our planet. Some religions don’t believe this is true while others agree that we are not alone in the universe. My idea is closer to the former group.
It is undeniable that the world at the present time has had changed into modern society which has a lot of advanced technologies, resulting in many children spending a little time on reading books for creating happiness in daily life. From my point of view, I believe that advanced technologies are the main cause for this movement, and to solve this problem, I think that both parents and teachers should take some actions. In the following paragraph, the reasons to support my opinion will be outlined in the detail.
These days, a considerable rise in the number of overweight youth has become the major health crisis reported in several developed countries across the world. In this essay, I will elaborate on the main reasons for this growth and provide effective remedies to alleviate this health problem.
Neurobiologists and psychologists have demonstrated a significant relationship between distinct colour schemes and a person's mood. Although the scientific bases for these phenomena are far from completely understood I believe it is paramount to dedicate decorations of workplaces according to current scientific evidence.
In developing and impoverished countries, it is a common thing for youngsters to have a job after school because most of their parents do not have enough money to afford their education. Although there are several advantages to have a job at an early age, I believe that the drawbacks outweigh any benefits.
Many people nowadays like to buy their own flat and there are more people that are curious about the history of thye house they live in and would like to discover them. This essay states the reasons for this and how people can research them.
These days, many youngsters are highly influenced by their mothers and fathers to achieve outstandingly in life. Although most people may think that the phenomenon tends to be too harsh on children, I believe the approach is beneficial to the young population especially during the current challenging era. This essay will discuss further on the motive behind this development as well as how it can be considered a constructive trend.
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