IELTS Opinion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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The idea that, a country becomes more fascinating and grows more quickly when its inhabitants include a combination of nationalities. I totally agree that a nation can become more stimulating and make progress if the increasing number of cultures are mixed.
In our modern society, the idea of imprisonment is the most commonly utilized solution for the criminals has become a matter of discussion for many. The critics of this view point argue that proper education is the most efficient solution to stop people from again getting involved in criminal activities. I completely agree with the latter view, and in this essay, I shall critically examine the given topic and outline relevant examples.
Nowadays, having a healthy behaviour is becoming a priority in people's lives and such people are increasing every day. Some part of people claim that it is a positive aspect of our lives, another part stays in the opposite position. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a healthy lifestyle.
In the modern era the number of the car-owners is increasing among individuals, which harms nature day by day. My essay will analyse both benefits and drawbacks of this phenomenon.
From the perspective of some people, well-known celebrities’ association with international assistance programs can directly raise awareness towards certain matters of importance. Others, however, hold the opinion such a method may only bring counterproductive results. While celebrities can attract people’s attention to the problems, I would argue celebrities take away the spotlight from the actual problem, thus negatively impacting the situation.
Throughout history, people have had conflicted relationships with animals, adoring them as pets and yet exploiting them for food, research and entertainment subjects. While some feel that this abuse is justified, others are strongly opposed. In this essay I will discuss this these views and explain why I feel that we should reduce our reliance on animals.
The most effective way of improving health of people is to increase the number of physical centres, according to some people, while others are against it. They believe it would have little impact and other methods should be utilised. In my opinion, this would have pronounced influence on the well-being of the general public.
So, according to the belief of few people, young students have too much of spare time which they are not utilizing. So they should be using that extra time to perform the activities related to their studies only. Furthermore, they should be doing more than they are doing, because they are idle.
It is considered by many that it should be a fixed punishment for every sort of crimes. On the other hand, some people believe that the situation of a personal crime, and the reason for committing it, must always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment.
It is argued by some people that governments should set up a salary scheme which is not above a certain level for employees. However, I support the view that people should a freedom in deciding their salary. This essay discusses both views.
Most of humans think that it is the best penalty for offenders which is prisons. In today's world, the crimes often shows to increase day by day in the society. Moreover, there are too strong punishment some countries. I agree that prison is the greatest discipline for criminals. I think that the jail can help with feeling their culprits.
Nowadays, because of hectic lifestyle, people have to suffer from work and study pressure and they need to relax by leisure activities. However, there are some entertainment facilities which too expensive for people to afford it. While some people think that it just individual’s responsibility to pay it, I personally think that entertainment activities should be financed by the government.
Over recent years, a major problem of modern societies is declining level of health in the general population, with contradictory views on how to grapple this tormenting trend. Many people believe that the best way to enhance public health is to provide more sports facilities. However, by contrast, others believe providing more sports facilities is not that much effective. In my view, increasing the number of sports facilities certainly have significant impacts, though it is not the merely responsible to improve public health.
It has been argued for a long time that all university students should choose their major as they desire. In contrast, some people believe that they should select majors which are well-paid and useful in the future, even if it is not their dream major. However, I strongly believe that students have all the right to choose their favourite university major.
There has been an ongoing debate about the diversity which affects an individual. Some people prefer to live their life in an atmosphere which provides them comfort as having experience of it. However, others think that this diversity will help them to learn the new things. The essay will discuss my stance with arguments in below paragraphs.
Over the last few decades, many cities around the world have seen an alarming increase in decrease the level of environmental quality. While some people think that it is impractical for nations can be able to develop both the economy and the situation at the same time, I partly agree with this opinion because nations can take action on setting problems.
Polythene bag usage has been increasing at the alarming rate, which can be a source of hazard to the environment. Hence, some people suggested that utilization of plastic carry bags should be prohibited by the government, which I totally agree with this opinion.
Architecture is a work of art and every country has a different artistic sense. In fact, it's claimed by some people that it's too much money to be paid in order to keep and rennovate traditional buildings, instead, this money should be used to build modern ones. This essay will argue why this is totally preposterous.
Household waste has increased at an alarming rate, but most of them end up in landfills instead of being recycled. Some people think that a legal requirement for recycling residential waste is an effective way to increase the recycling rate. In my opinion, legal enforcement should not be the only method to employ; there are other measures that the government should take into consideration.
Across the world, business, studies and health have immense importance behind country’s progress. For developed nations, it is considered to support the underdeveloped countries. Since, it may drive the economy of the poorer states. In my opinion, the richer countries should play their role in supporting the developing countries because they are technologically advanced.
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