IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In recent years, many elderlies have been facing isolation and degradation in health. Furthermore, some experts argue that if old citizens engage in some activities such as daily exercise will be better for their health
In recent days, many seniors have undergone a sense of isolation and do not work out adequately. According to experts, elderly people should live harmoniously in neighbourhoods and exercise on a daily basis to avoid
Most professionals claim that living in harmony with others and having daily exercises will help the old population be healthier and happier, while there are still many elderly experiencing loneliness and insufficient ph
Most professionals claim that living in harmony with others and having daily exercises will help old people healthier and happier, while there are still many elderly experiencing loneliness and insufficient physical fitn
The well-being of elder people is now gaining more attention from the crowd, especially when the population is ageing at a faster pace. Recently, some professionals have argued that social engagements and physical exerci
It is said that engaging in daily social interactions and exercise improves mental and physical health for the elderly. Despite this, many senior citizens nowadays feel lonely and unhealthy. From my viewpoint, this tende
In recent days, obtaining a credit card can be done through easy steps. However, some people are unable to fulfill their financial obligations and accumulate debts over time. This essay will argue that the advantages out
Many people believe that spending time to get along with others and exercise every day is a good thing for old people’s health and mind, otherwise, they will be lonely and unhealthy. There are a number of reasons behind
A number of professionals state that if older people spend their time interacting with others and exercise regularly, they will have a better quality of life. However, many elderly are lack of fitness. This is because th
As people age, staying active and socially connected becomes increasingly important for their health and well-being. Experts suggest that if the elderly spend time with others and exercise daily, they will enjoy better h
It is true that the elderly allocate their time to socialize and work out will have a chance to become healthier and happier, nevertheless, they are dealing with isolation and weakness. In this essay, I will discuss reas
Some people believe that these elderly people will be stronger and more delighted according to communicating in social relationships as well as a workout every single day. Nevertheless, they are tough to implement in exe
Some people believe that elderly community will be stronger and more delighted according to communication in the social relationship as well as a workout every single day. Nevertheless, they are tough to implement in exe
Some people believe that old folks increase their social interaction and work out every day leading to their lives will be happier and healthier. Therefore, most people don't use their time much to exercise. This essay w
There are many reasons to affect human life and its aspects like happiness and health. While it is a common issue to have physical problems, most of the attitude problems are believed to affect our feeling. In this essay
Indepence is a factor that it is becoming stronger in our world once the opportunities for getting a job are increasing. However some people say that the disadvantages of being your own boss overbalance, because you will
In the modern world, many individuals are concerned about the well-being of elderly people, because the majority of them are not keen to exercise regularly and socialize with other people. In this reason, their general c
Some people believe that if senior citizens increase their social interaction and keep themselves physically active they can lead a healthy and happy life but most of them do not do so. This essay will try to identify th
Some people believe that if senior citizens increase their social interaction and keep themselves physically active they can lead to a healthy and happy life but most of them do not do so. This essay will try to identify
Nowadays, some professions believe seniors living in the past have more healthy and happy than this modern day because they consumed more quality time with their relative and have more physical activities, while nowadays
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