IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Young people spend most of their lives in school or studying. Therefore, when they have free time, they can either do activities with their families or go out and enjoy outside entertainment. My personal opinion is that
Young people spend most of their lifes in school or studying. Therefore, when they have free time, they can either do activities with their families or go out an enjoy outside entretainment. My personal opinion is that t
The way the current generation of young people chooses to spend their free time has been a controversial topic for decades. Many believe that youngsters should spend most of their spare time with their families whereas o
Have you reflected on social in this generation day by day development faster, that young people spend time on things they feel happiness? Some people argue that young people should spend free time with families instead
No one can deny that several people think young individuals should spend free time with their families instead of outside entertainment, while other people have opponents to this position. It is vital to admit that both
In this day and age, it is believed that youngsters should spend their spare time with family members more often. However, others claim that they should be allowed to enjoy outside activities. This essay will discuss bot
In this day and age, it is widely believed that young people should allocate their time to families in lieu of going outside for outdoor activities, while others disagree. From my personal perspective, i believe that chi
The contention often arises regarding how young people should allocate their leisure time. Some advocate for the importance of spending this time with one's family, while others propose that engaging in activities beyon
In modern life, people have various activities to do in their leisure time. There is an opinion that it is better for the youth to spend more time with their families in their free time instead of spending time outside.
It is considered by many that children should spend time with their parents instead of attending events outside the house, whereas others disagree. Both viewpoints will be supported by the arguments presented in this ess
People agree that those in their teens and twenties are having the best period of their lives, but there is no consensus on who should they spend this time with. Some believe that youngsters need to enjoy their leisure w
In today’s era, having a busy life with hectic schedules is ubiquitous which makes the proportion of spare time for relationships become a rising concern. Some people consider that spending time with their families is mo
There is an argument about whether daughters and sons need to spend their time with their mothers and fathers rather than going outside and playing with friends. Some people believe that it is important while others hold
It is true that family has an indispensable role to play in one's growing process. Therefore, some individuals harbour a belief that young people have to divert their free time from outside amusement to families. This es
There is an argument about whether youngsters need to spend their time with their moms and dads rather than playing outdoors. Some people believe it is important to schedule some time with parents while others hold the o
The question of whether teenagers should spend more time with their household has sparked heated debate. Some claim that the method builds a strong relationship with each other, whereas others argue that staying outside
Some individuals believe that youngsters ought to spend free generation with families instead of outdoor activities but others disagree about this. In my opinion, I believe children should spend more point in outdoor ent
In recent times, the need to organize adolescents spare time is an issue all over the world. Nowadays, it is no longer clear as how should youngsters spend their free time. There are those who believe that teenagers shou
Schould young pepole spent their lasuer time with their relatives? This is an important question for many teenagers and young adults. It also could cause a lot of discussiond in a family. How could this problem be solved
Some people believed that youngsters should allocate much of their recreational time for their families instead of entertaining themselves outside. While it is true that young individuals spend their time virtually with
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