IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is thought by a selection of individuals that valuable green spaces in many community areas should be demolished and replaced by accommodation and facilities for business to improve the economy due to an influx of peo
There is an opinion in society that spaces are occupied by public parks can find more efficient uses such as residential blocks or business centres. I firmly disagree with this idea. In this essay, I plan to explain my w
Most pepole appreciate city parks and pulic gardens. Yet due to the inrease growth of the population some think this can be utilized as accommodational buildings or in the development of busnisess and economy. in my opi
It is often said that public parks should be replaced with structures such as high-rise buildings and dense apartment. I will clearly show why i disagree with this statement since I believe public park plays a vital role
There is no denying the fact that the importance of economics and developing financial success by increasing business chances. While it is commonly held belief that it is better to change public spaces to residential are
While many people recognize the importance of having access to public parks, others argue that this space could better serve communities by developing housing or businesses there. Although it is undeniable that such prop
Green areas consider important by residences of cities. Some people believe that we can increase economic by building houses and business centres in the current parks location.
Urban cities mostly filled with buildings and houses. Some people argue that, public grounds can use for build apartments and office spaces as a solution for over populations. I oppose this arguement due to many practica
Some people overlook the advantages of conservation public parks and believe that it is more beneficial to leverage them in other targets such as urban and industrial developments, improving the economic levels of the co
There is no denying the fact that public parks it is a crucial thing for the community. While it is a commonly held belief that there is another use for the space that will be more important like a residential area, ther
Nowadays, the constantly increasing population creates more residential and economic requirements which is raising a concern that more accommodations should be built or used for business and boost economies instead of bu
Nowadays, many are of the belief that public parks should be replaced with other constructions to address increasing population and economic development. In my opinion, I strongly disagree with this idea, which will be f
Uncontrollable population growth is one of the main problems faced by the modern world. Even though public parks are considered valuable by several people, these places can also be utilised to meet the demands of the gro
Nowadays, we can observe a decline in public parks. This is due to the increase in demand for residential and commercial spaces. Due to this decrease in public parks, there are many disadvantages. The argument public par
Public parks are an essential part of society ,for whom live in the surroundings of that area. It will be a disaster if this land converts to a place to build housing complex or elaborate financial income. I am of the
According to some teachers, it is beneficial for students to participate in international student exchange programs. I fully agree with this view. In my opinion, the advantages of this practice certainly outweigh the dis
While car parks are valuable for people, residents believe that this space can be used for other worthwhile and beneficial purposes such as residential area for an ever-growing population, development of businesses and
Even though the majority of the public values the recreation ground, there is a common belief that gardens can be used for more development programs such as housing or industrial projects which will help the economy of
In this modern world, mankind has been exploiting our natural reserves and forests to develop roads, towns, to build industrial zone and finally to grow up the economy. Some people are still fighting to preserve our natu
In this modern era, many people believe to have common parks, while others think that this area can be used for the construction of houses and organisations to boost the economy. I largely agree and personally believe t
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