IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, there is a notice of increased number of young adults than old ones in a few countries. In my own opinion, I believe that the advantages of the situation outweigh the disadvantages.
Nowadays, in some countries, the higher ratio of the youth in their population structure as opposed to the older-age group is said to be sparking controversy. While I acknowledge that there are some pitfalls associated w
In recent years, in some countries, the youth population has been greater than older people. Many people believe that older people are assets to the nation, who share their experiences with young generations, while othe
Nowadays, in most nations there are a higher population of young people in comparison with the elderly. While there are some drawbacks associated with having with young population, I believe the main benefits are more s
Population in the world is increasing over time, but in certain cases, some countries have more young adults compared to older people. While it brings numerous drawbacks, there are significant benefits of this situation
Population in the world is increasing overtime, but in some cases, some countries have more young adults compared to older people. While it brings numerous drawbacks, there are also significant benefits. Hence, in this e
Nowadays, the figure for the population of young people has exceeded that of elderly people. I believe the advantages corresponding to this issue are more considerable than the minor disadvantages.
Youths in some nations, including some Asian, African and Western countries, comprise the highest percentage of the total population. Having a larger proportion of youth is considered to have many advantages as well as d
In this day and age, population is always a hotly debated topic. At this time, many individuals believe that in many countries, amount of young citizens is huge, compared with the amount of old. In my opinion, the advan
At the present time, the people of some countries include a relatively large number of young adults, compared with the number of older people. This essay will explain the advantages and disadvantages of this situation wh
At the present time, the people of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults, compared with the number of older people. This essay will explain the advantages and disadvantages of this situation w
There is an idea that the population of young adults is almost more than elder people in some countries. This is a topic which has pros and cons but I think the positive points are more than the negative ones.
In many countries, demographic patterns reveal a significant proportion of young adults relative to the elderly population. This essay will examine both the advantages and disadvantages of having a large number of young
In the contemporary era, some countries have a majority of young people in their population. In my opinion, this phenomenon significantly contributes to the development of these countries, despite some minor drawbacks.
Nowadays, in many nations the population of adult generation is more than old generation. While this phenomenon might have some cons, I personally believe that its pros are more because the young people have an importan
As far as have been told , the percentage of younger adults are more than older people at these days and that`s a really good situation for every country because of the benefits which a young society could have.
There is no doubt that these days young humans are becoming a huge number in some countries rather than older people. The question is, in some countries have populations , young people are variety than older people in so
Nowadays, in some parts of the world young adults are the majority of the population, and elderly people are the minority. While there are both advantages and disadvantages associated with this demographic situation, the
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