IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A significant number of people out there hold the perception that currently, the total number of youngsters in some nations is more than the senior citizens. This essay shall discuss extensively the merits and demerits o
In modern times, young adults account for a comparatively large proportion of the population in some nations rather than the elderly. While the elderly can be associated with a few useful experiences, in my opinion, it i
Nowadays, numerous countries face the issue of overpopulation. Interestingly, the age distribution has become disproportional, with youngsters being considerably higher in number compared to the elderly. Although there a
These days, youthful populations dominate in many countries around the world compared to older individuals. This phenomenon brings both pros and cons to society, however, I am convinced that its benefits outweigh its dra
In the future, the population will grow massively, leading to the instability of youngsters and elder individuals. Herein, this essay will discuss how beneficial to have a more junior group.
Some nations’ populations now consist mostly of young adults. However, while there are some possible demerits, I believe that the pros still surpass the cons.
In recent years, several countries have experienced a population trend characterized by a significant proportion of young adults compared to their elderly populations which presents both advantages and disadvantages for
currently, the number of younger people is completely more than older ones in some countries. however, it brings some drawbacks I believe that it can be beneficial for societies because not only injects more expertise la
There has been an increasing number of youngsters than old citizens in some societies. I believe that the fit young brings a variety of advantages by means of numerous ways, compared to the opposite trend.
Nowadays, number of population of young adults is more compared to older people. As every coin have two sides in same way this also have two sides positive as well as negative.
In some countries, there is a relatively large number of young adults compared to older people. This can be attributed to various factors such as better healthcare, lower mortality rates, and increased life expectancy. W
Some societies in today’s world consist of a relatively considerable number of young adults compared with the number of older people. From my standpoint, the upsides of this exceed its downsides. This is because young in
A huge part of some countries' population is youngsters in comparison to elders number nowadays. I personally believe that this issue can have many advantages and disadvantages, in other words, this is two sides of a pe
The proportion of elderly people to youngsters has been changing annually all over the world. There is currently a contentious argument over whether having a larger number of youths than ancestors would be beneficial. In
In recent times, some countries have had more adults who are relatively young than the amount of elderly. In this essay, I will discuss that the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages.
Nowadays there are a growing number of young people and the ratio of them seems to be more than elderly people. While both these ranges of individuals can be highly beneficial to countries, the advantages are of paramoun
The number of young individuals is growing considerably over the last few years. In some countries, their population had surpassed the number of older generations. In my opinion, the potential benefits of this phenomenon
Nowadays, a few countries have huge quantities of young adults, which are a lot more than the olds. From my perspective, I firmly believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, although it has some problems.
In the contemporary world, the youngster population has far exceeded the elderly people in several places, it is highly common in particular countries which are developed, in this essay, I will detail why am I completely
It has been observed that the increase of young people began more than the elder individuals. there are myriad of benefits as well as drawbacks of that significant growth. In my perspective, I reckon the merits outweig
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