IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It has been observed that the increase of young people began more than the elder individuals. there are myriad of benefits as well as drawbacks of that significant growth. In my perspective, I reckon the merits outweig
In the contemporary era, the number of inhabitants has been increasing day by day globally. Many countries have consisted of a high number of mature people rather than older people. From my perspective, it brings more be
Nowadays, in some countries, there are more young people than old ones. In my opinion, although it is vital to respect and learn from the old ones, the benefits of this ratio outweigh the drawbacks.
It is a fact that, nowadays, the number of young adults is more than older people in some countries. In my opinion, the benefits of this phenomenon outweigh the drawbacks.
It is argued that some of the countries have younger populations on average while others have older populations, respectively. This essay will examine the advantages and disadvantages of having more young adults than ol
It is true that the majority of citizens in some countries is mostly young adults, compared with the number of older people. It is my belief that the positive effects of this trend could certainly offset the disadvantage
It is quite common these day that the rate of young adults is larger than the older people. This phenomenon shows us the unbalanced of age at some countries. However, I think that the benefits of this issue are better th
It is true that the majority of citizens in some countries these days is mostly young adults, compared with the number of older people. It is my belief that the positive effects of this trend could certainly offsets the
Nowadays, the population of young people is more than the elder people in some countries. There are several advantages and disadvantages about this happening.
Nowadays, in some ,countries young people are outnumbered by older ones. Although this can bring about some disadvantages, I am more inclined toward its advantages.
Nowadays the proportion of young people increases rapidly becoming the majority of the world's population, whilst the number of old population experiences a decrease. There are both pros and cons to this current situat
As young people population is increase compared to older people state have two sides advantage and disadvantage. Advantage and disadvantage are discribesed in the blow paragrapys.
In recent times, the inhabitant of some nations includes a relatively large number of youth adults, compared with the number of elderly people. In my opinion, merits of having high precentage of young people compared t
Nowadays, Age group problems have become popular. In some areaAlsthe proportion of younger age is larger than the old age.This subject will bring more innovation, development and economic growth to the country . As a re
Nowadays, there are growing numbers of youth in many countries overtaking the amount of older people. This essay will discuss, both, some benefits and drawbacks of this situation
People have a myriad of views on whether the population of countries should be a higher composition of young people instead of aged people in order to have better development. While I accept that some elderly are experie
Recently, an ample number of youngsters mainly constitute the population of some countries in contrast to older people. The pros of this situation outweigh the cons. This dissertation will elaborately discuss the advanta
These days, the number of young people is comparatively large as compared to the old age people in some nations of the world. Although, there can be a lack of cultural and moral values but more population of youths can
Beyond doubt, the role of all age groups of people is necessary for the consolidation of a country. However, some argue that having a greater number of inhabitants of younger age these days is more beneficial. Hereby, I
Nowadays, every country is facing the problem of our population. Many people claim that in the current time, the population of any nation contains a large number of youngsters as compared to elders. According to my perce
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