IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is little doubt that the advent of processed foods has had an effect on the more traditional form of meals and cooking, however, it is unlikely that these more contemporary options will be the mere choice in the fu
There is little doubt that the advent of processed foods have had an effect on more traditional form of meals and cooking, however, it is unlikely that these more contemporary options will be the mere choice in the futur
It is predictied that convenience food will be considered the dominant food in the next years, which is expected to replace tradition ways of preparing meals as well as fresh food. I can therefore only partly agree with
It is notable that ready-to-eat food is widespread among many societies and is expected to dominate the whole food industry. I strongly agreed that traditional meals will disappear in few years.
It has been pointed out that processed foods such as instant noodles and frozen vegetables are getting popular and will take over traditional cuisines and their cooking measures. Personally, I completely disagree with th
The last few decades have observed, a significant change in the food habits of the citizens, all around the world. As foods are readily available through phone calls or online orders from stores, some people think this w
Nowadays, we see a dramatic change in food consumption habits across the world. The canned food has become common and more popular among people in very little time, resulting in, fading of the conventional form of food
Processed food is trending in this contemporary world as life became busier.Due to the gaining popularity ,packaged foods are considered a threat to the ancient methods of cooking and recipes.This essay agrees with the
In the modern life , convenience foods are becoming more and more popular. People even consider that they will replace traditional foods and methods of preparation. I absolutely disagree with this view.
In recent years , due to industrial development as well as the higher demand for food in many parts of our planet, the consumption of convenience food has soared rapidly. Some people said that that kind of food will bec
by advancing of technologies, fast and packed food has became the most popular way to eat meals and it is very widespread for modern society. It means that people doesn't want cook for their meals. I completely disagree
by advancing technologies, fast and packed cuisine has become the most popular way to eat meals and it is very widespread for modern society. It means that the public doesn't want to cook their meals. I completely disa
In today's world, more and more people consider that in the nearest future convenience foods will become viral and will replace traditional methods of nutrition. I agree with this idea and this essay will discuss the pos
In today's world, more and more people consider that in the nearest future convenience foods will become viral and will replace traditional methods of nutrition. I agree with this opinion and this essay will discuss the
meal preference has changed in this 21st century as the food industry extending its menu list with various kinds of fast cuisine which are easy to prepare as well as getting popularity by replacing our traditional food i
Nowadays, we see a dramatic change in food consumption habit across the world. The consumption of processed food has become common and is escalating at an unprecedented rate, resulting in, fading away from traditional fo
Recent years have witnessed a dramatic change in the type of food people consume. Nowadays, convenience foods or most commonly known as processed foods form a major part of most people’s diet, especially in developed cou
One of the most significant advances in our civilization is developing methods of food production and preparation. 'Convenience foods' is the constant buzzing word in the bustling cities. Although many argue that origina
Over the last few years, there has been a significant increase in the usage of convenience foods among the young generation than the traditional foods. Many people believe that convenient dishes will replace the traditio
Some people have predicted that the increasing popularity of convenience food could finally supplant traditional cuisine and traditional methods of food preparation. Personally, I completely disagree with this view.
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