IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Often, managers tend to be older people, while some disagree and believe that the younger generation should be leaders. In my opinion, I totally agree with giving young people a chance to lead the company because they ar
People argue whether the upper management level must consist of the old or young generations. This essay agrees with the latter statement that young leaders will be more beneficial for organisations.
In some old corporation, most of their leader are the one who above 50 years old. While, in some startup their choosed the younger one instead of the older people. I totally agree with that the today's generation is shou
In the past, Directors and Managers to the head of the organisation and department seemed to be older people than younger ones. Most of the leading organisation has heads as people who are primarily 50 and above. In this
One school of thought holds that young managers and team leaders in different organizations could better than the older ones. While I accept that this perception is somewhat justifiable, I believe that the elder workers
Top management, for example, directors and managers, play an important role in monitoring businesses and making the right decisions. People who are suitable for these positions should have sufficient technical knowledge
1.To gather documents of police report that has been reported by PT. BSRE based on police report acknowledgement letter or complaint
It is common for organisations to have seniors as top executives. However, in the contemporary era, many people argue that young individuals are better to instead of these older leaders. In my opinion, I completely agree
In tese morden epoch., job is one of the essential things to survive a quality life. However, the boss and director of association are often have older masses. But, few opine that youngsters are have more quality to be a
In recent years, there is an increasing number of well-educated youngers in the job market, and quite a few of them have demonstrated leadership in their work. This leads impressionable people to argue that old people sh
The manager of administration is always deemed to be an experienced person. The Head of the department plays a pivotal role in establishing the company. It is mostly assumed that organisations should be handled by senior
The heads of an administration are mostly occupied by aged people. While some would argue that this opportunity should be given to younger. I strongly agree with the first statement because they are experienced people a
Given is one bar chart illustrating the average hours of working per week among eight jobs and a pie chart that describes the proportion of people suffering from stress related illness among eight jobs.
It is a common situation in companies the most vital positions like CEO and managers have been taken by the senior nation, some people argue that if this situation could change to the young generation being in charge,
It is a common situation in companies most vital positions like CEO and managers has been taken by the siner people, some people argue that if this situation could change to the young genneration being incharge, it wil
In this present world, some people think that the older mangers have to retire and leave the space for the younger ones. This essay completely agrees that suggestion is better for younger people to be managers. In this e
There are several organizations such as schools,colleges and hospitals.It is observed everywhere that all these institutions recruit old people on higher positions but some people opine that youngsters should also becom
A question many leaders from international enterprises have to ask themselves is whether employing older workers is truly more worthwhile than youngster workers or not. On one hand, I am inclined to believe that as a y
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