IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is sometimes argued that overseas travellers should spend more money for the entrance to cultural and historical attractions than local visitors. I completely disagree with this opinion.
Nowadays, as globalization develops rapidly, some people argue that foreign visitors are supposed to pay more than local visitors for some places of interest. However, I firmly disagree with this opinion. My points of v
It is undeniable that tourism has become a booming industry these days. Some people argue that tourists who visit from foreign countries should pay more for cultural and historical attractions than local visitors. I comp
Travelling has been popular worldwide. It is thought some that foreign tourists should give more money than indigenous people to things that have a precious meaning for countries travelled to. Although it can be uncomfo
I would agree to statement that foreigners should be charged higher than locals for visiting traditional and ancient attractions. This essay will be considered about its with examples.
The cultural and historical identities such as ancient pagodas or buildings are invaluable landmarks for its local people. I strongly disagree with those who think that foreign visitors should be more intrigued by cultur
It is argued that foreign tourists should pay more task in comparison with the native people , when they visit the historical places. In my point of view, I believe this approach is not efficient for some reasons that I
In this technological era, the public can visit different countries easily. It is sometimes said that tourists from different countries should cost more money than locals for the famous heritage. I partly disagree with t
It is believed by some that tourists from overseas ought to pay an extra amount of fee to visit cultural and historical attraction sites. From my perspective, I completely disagree with the viewpoint.
Some people argue that international tourists are supposed to pay more than native travellers for visiting historical monuments.I partially agree with this view,as now will be discussed.
It is believed that new incomings should pay higher than visiting residents for cultural and historical attractions. In my opinion, I disagree with this view.
It is believed that international tourist should be charge more free when they visit cultural and hist orical attractions than local residents . I broadly do not agree with this motion owing the fact that if the state
In the modern busy life, there is a rapid increase in the number of sightseers visiting cultural and historical allures around the globe. While foreign foreigners should pay more entrance fees rather than local visitors
It is sometimes argued that tourists from overseas should be charged more than local residents to visit important sites and monuments. I completely disagree with this idea. The argument in favour of higher prices f
Historical buildings should be paid by overseas nations more than local travellers. In my opinion, I totally disagree with the previous viewpoint. Both sides along with my perspectives linked to the topic will be outline
It is sometimes argued that tourists from overseas should be charged more than local residents to visit important sites and monuments. I completely disagree with this idea. The argument in favour of higher prices for
In these days and ages, it is a broad opinion that overseas travelers ought to pay a greater cost for their excursions to the cultural and historical destinations than that of the native ones. From my perspective, I tota
Some people argue that visitors from other countries ought to pay more than local residents when visiting cultural-historical sites and monuments. I completely disagree with the idea.
Many people support the idea that foreign tourists should be required more the charge than local citizens for important sites . In my opinion, I totally disagree this statement because of the below reasons.
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