IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is considered that there is a significant decrease in biodiversity, especially the number of plants and animals. From my point of view, I believes that this issue occurs due to the need of demands of humans and constr
Decreasing the number of animals and plants is experienced in many countries because of industrial waste and poaching. Establishing natural centers or national parks for protecting environment would be optimal sollution
Nowadays a lot of countries facing with decrease in wildlife and green. This essay will explain the main reason for this alarming phenomenon and the actions that can be taken in this path to save our planet.
In current times, as a massive problem, world of fauna and flora has been shrinking. Due to this, there are a great deal of issues was being made. Background of this case would be either some ecological impacts or consum
The number of live species and plants is decreasing rapidly. The main reasons for this issue are illegal hunting activities and the extensive cutting down of trees from forests. To solve this problem, the government shou
In recent years, the alarming rise of extinction of natural species, especially animals and plants, is a pressing concern. It poses a significant threat to the global ecosystem. Henceforth, this essay delves into the mul
In recent years, the amount of fauna and flora is decreasing. Based on my opinion, there are many reasons leading to this phenomenon and it can be solved by responsibility of society and individuals.
There is a controversial perspective heating a debate over the factors that caused the death of some rare faunas and floras. This essay is devoted to the underlying roots of the reason for extinction of many animals and
There is a controversial perspective heating a debate over the degradation in the number of fauna and flora.This essay is devoted to analysing the underlying roots, followed by some equivalent remedies of this severe pro
There is a controversial conception heating a debate over the exponentially decrease of fauna and flora in a wide range of countries. In my opinion, there are numerous reasons for the drop of animals and plants, but the
There is a controversial perspective heating a debate over the fact that in many nations, the population of flora and fauna is deteriorating. This essay is devoted to underlying culprits, followed by some effective solut
There is a controversial perspective heating a debate over the fact that there is a deterioration in the number of animals and plants in various nations. To some extent, I would contend that there are abundant justificat
In recent years, fauna and flora are decreasing and on the verge of extinction . This essay is devoted to the underlying reasons for the decline of livestock and plants, followed by some effective resolutions to this sev
Recent years have seen a decrease in the number of different species of animals and plants all over the world. This mainly originates from directly devastating activities of human beings, which lead to dire consequences.
It is an alarming fact that there has been a sharp decline in the number of plants and animals in many countries recently. There are many reasons for this problem to be the case, but also a lot of solutions to this.
Nowadays, the amount of flora and fauna is at a great risk of extinction. While various factors such as the increase in global warming and deforestation have contributed to the above situation, alleviating this problem w
We are living in a modern era where the amount of flora and fauna is at risk of extinction. In my opinion, this alarming problem is caused by the existence of an inordinate number of urbanisations as well as global warmi
In the present era, rising skyscrapers and expanding cities are consider as a marvelous achievement of development of the country. However, in many nations this unplanned development causing the reduction in variety and
It is true that nowadays the amount of flora and fauna is at great risk of extinction. In my opinion, this problem is mainly caused by the occurrence of global warming and deforestation. However, it can be solved by enha
In recent years, there has been an unprecedented rapid rate of biodiversity loss, which seriously undermines the biosphere's ability to support life on Earth. Many species of plants and animals are on the verge of comple
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