IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Due to globalization and modernization, the purchasing habits of people are changing. Nowadays, the majority prefer to buy things from malls or supermarkets rather than from local stores. In this essay, I will elucidate
The number of shopping malls is increasing as the population grows in the city. Some argue that shopping malls take retail boutiques’ customers and because of this, many small stores are forced to be closed. I believe th
Squabbling over large and small shopping centres is interminable in today's aeon. Controversy exists as to whether many folks going to a large shopping mall is advantageous or an impediment to society. In this monograph,
It is undoubtedly true that the expansion of digitalization takes place at an alarming rate, due to which, small as well as local shop turns into Supermarkets. I believe that this is Constructive evolution as it helps to
In recent times, people are getting attracted towards large shopping complexes and malls for their needs rather than going to a local shop. In my opinion, although it is affecting local economy, it is advantageous as mal
These days, many buyers prefer to shop in giant shopping malls due to there are multiple services have been provided. Consequently, some small grocery shops gradually have disappeared from our life. What influence this
Nowadays In many cities across the globe shopping malls have been constructed. Mushrooming of shopping malls has created survival problems for small store owners . With the advent of malls , and shopping centres small sh
It is undeniable that these years most tiny local shops have closed due to the fact that client prefers to go shopping in big malls or centres for their purchasing. I am perspective, although it can lead to negative tren
Across the globe, many retailers are shutting down their businesses due to low patronage from traffic since they prefer buying from bigger stores. This is considered a negative trend because the economy would be badly af
At present time, most people are willing to go to big places to buy items instead of going to small shops and Hence, many locations for the local markets have closed. I will discuss negative and positive points and that
In the contemporary epoch, because malls and big shopping centres are gaining popularity at an alarming rate, small local stores are abandoned by society. This phenomenon has various drawbacks which would be illustrated
Nowadays many people prefer to do their shopping in huge department stores and malls instead of local stores. Although it creates lots of opportunities for customers and sellers, some negative aspects are seen that contr
nowadays, myriad local stores are forced to shut due to big shopping centres. This essay will examine the merits and demerits of shutting these local shops. I believe that has more positive advantages than negative.
Small local shops have closed in the last years due to customers who go to large shopping centres or malls for shopping. I think this is a positive development because it is convenient and better for the environment.
Currently, the urban planning of big cities brings significant impacts on the landscapes of cities and the lifestyle of residents. Among these changes, small local shops are gradually replaced by large shopping centres.
Nowadays, people become shopastic about their shopping and all individuals like to go some malls and shopping centres for their purchasing. Although , many small shops have closed because of that so in this essay I would
Currently, the urban planning of big cities brings significant impacts on the landscapes of cities and the lifestyle of residents. Among these changes, small local shops are gradually replaced by large shopping malls. Pe
Recently, mega malls and large supermarkets attracted more customers than the smaller ones which lead to their closure. Although some believe such development is quite positive, others including me think that the side ef
Nowadays, there is a new trend in consumer behaviour that they choose to go shopping in big plazas and shopping centres than the small local shops. Due to this, more of the traditional shops are closing down. In this ess
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