IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In some areas of the United States, a curfew is imposed, which restricts teenagers from being outside at night unless they are accompanied by an adult. This measure is aimed at reducing crime, protecting young people, an
Nowadays, teenager means troublemaker. No wonder the curfew is mandatory in several places across the US. From my point of view, forbidding teenagers out at night is an efficient way during some specific period for the s
The safety of children is a major concern for both parents and the government. In certain parts of the United States, a cut off time is set, where the young are not permitted outdoors, except when they have a grown-up es
In some parts of the US, youngsters are not allowed to go outside without adult supervision during late hours of night. To a certain extent, I agree that this can protect children from dangerous factors. However, I also
Officials in the US have introduced a new arrangement by which young adults are only able to leave their place of residence after a specific time at night if an adult is with them. In my opinion, this new plan is benefic
These days, the excessive number of incidents happening to teenagers drives some countries to impose laws in order to protect them in which teenagers are not allowed to be out of doors after a particular time at night un
A rule is proposed in some states of America that makes a limitation on time which teenagers can spend out of home at nights. The key reason is protecting physically and physiologically young people from risks and threat
In the modern world, the number of teenagers roaming outside during nighttime has increased tremendously. Therefore, in some states of the United States, authorities enforced a curfew, in which adolescents are controlle
In the modern world, the number of teenagers roaming outside during nighttime has increased tremendously. Therefore, in some states of the United States, authorities enforced a curfew, in which adolescents are being cont
It has been acknowledged that these days shopping has become one of the most widespread approaches for leisure pursuit and individuals are engaged in this activity all over the world. This point has pros and cons which
Nowadays, juvenile delinquencies are very common worldwide. In the United States, youngsters are not allowed to leave their homes at a specific period of the night for the purpose of safety. However, if elders accompany
To enforce the law restrictions need to be imposed In the form of a curfew. especially In the US where gunshot crimes constitute a large percentage of crime. In some ,area teenagers are not allowed to roam after 7pm in t
In recent time us have applied curfew in country. Since covid have spread all across the world teenagers can't go to school and colleges but can go outside their house with adult in night time. For my perspective us foll
Safety of children has always been top priority of families and the society. Nowadays, some part of the country established restrictions to limit children to go out alone after a certain time at night. While some critice
To some extent, I agree with the fact that a curfew should be imposed and teenagers must be home before a specific time at night. However, the idea may not be fair to some teenagers who decide to be more independent.
In many parts of the US, adolescents are under the ban, according to which they are restricted to be outside their homes at night after a specific time if they are not accompanied by an adult. In my opinion, this is ess
These days it is being observed that in some spots across the US a time restriction is forced, which youngsters should go out with a mature person during the banned deadline at night.
In some of the small societies in the US, at night a curfew is implemented which means no teenager is allowed to be out of their home without their family or adult's supervision. This essay agrees that teenagers should b
Teenagers, the age of learning and getting experience, which is useful when they grow up. Thus they might spend all day doing something. Many states in the US have a "curfew" which is an agreement for teenagers for bein
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