IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In several nations, number of overweight people is rising while their health and fitness are falling. This essay will examine the main causes for the increase in average weight and potential solutions to this problem.
Several countries are experiencing an increase in average weight and a decrease in healthiness among their citizens. People’s lifestyles and the increasing number of cafes and restaurants disregarding the nutrition of th
The phenomenon of obesity and low body immunity become a major concern in every society. People pay less attention to their health, and most of the foods they consume increase cholesterol and in parallel, decrease the im
Nowadays, the health and fitness status are has got worse. people are have chosen sedentary life style and harmful diets because of recent changes in modern life. Most of the works are have become remote and people can a
Nowadays, with the development of technology people’s activities declined because of the modern world. Surveys show that in some countries, the level of health and activities are going down and obesity among individuals
At present, inadequate weight has increased among certain demographics of society as well and their healthy lives are reducing. From my perspective, over-intake in fast foods and lack of exercise are the main causes of t
It is said that, while the weight of Individuals has been going up, their levels of overall wellness and training have been going down in some nations. Although there are some fundamental reasons for these issues such as
Many people claim that the range of public health is going down due to improving the average of people. From my point of view, this attitude could be detrimental to society and it can expose public health to dangerous c
Health is a multifaceted concept that encompasses physical, mental, and social well-being.In the modern era, in some nations the average obesity of people is increasing,although their levels of health and fitness are dec
To begin with, a number of problems are Connected being obesity .Firstly , nowadays more people are living a busy lifestyle. people do not have time for cooking and other domestic work. Then more people like to eat fast
In recent years, whilst developed countries have seen an influx in number of citizens compared to their healthiness, I am of belief that this dilemma due to the people unhealthy lifestyle and physical laziness. However,
It is often common in some countries that an increasing number of people experience obesity and this greatly affects their health status and physical fitness. In this essay, I will be discussing the causes of these prob
In this day and life, studies show that the majority of the people are not fit as compared to the older generation.In some countries, the weight of the people is drastically increasing which results in a low level of fit
It is said that health is wealth. This proverb is true as several nations are losing their fitness because of the increasing average body weight of the community. In such countries, obesity has become a major problem c
It is often thought that these days overweight is a common problem among individuals in some countries because it has been increasing, and it causes negative effects on the health and fitness of humankind. This essay wil
In recent times we have come across many people who have been dealing with body weight-related issues. The average weight of people in many countries is increasing and this does not look good in the long run.
There is currently a remarkable rise in the rate of overweight people in many nations, whereas their well-being are declining. From my standpoint, the reasons for this issues is due to imbalance diets and stress that peo
There are a number of elements why people tend to a sedentary lifestyle. In addtion , they eat a lot of junk foods instate of nutritious meals ,thus fat and oil cause there will be overwight . I believe this phenomenon
There are a number of elements why people tend to sedentary lifestyle , inaddtion they eat a lot of junk foods instate of nutritous meals , thus fat and oil cause their will be owerwight , I believe this phenomenon occu
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