Nowadays, the correlation between the usual weight of individuals and their health condition, and sport exercises, can be clearly seen. The weight is rising, while these healthy habits are declining.
These days, the big matter that most countries around the world have is that the average weight of their inhabitants is climbing while the level of their health is reducing. This essay discusses the main reasons for this
The famous proverb ' Health is wealth" signifies the importance of health in one's life. Lately, the average weight of people is rising significantly in some countries along with a decrease in mind and body fitness. In t
Currently, concern regarding people’s weight and fitness is increasingly topical, primarily because, in some parts of the world, the number has become worse. Responding to the issue, I will demonstrate the leading cause
The obesity level of a citizen in several countries is becoming a problem with the rise in average weight and the decline in their conditions. This phenomenon occurs due to an unhealthy habit of eating and a lack of phys
Nowadays, people prefer to eat junk foods, such as pizzas and burgers. They think it's the best way to live life. But it has a lot of drawbacks. From my perspective, there are several reasons for that disadvantages. In a
The average weight of people is increasing in some countries, while health and fitness levels are declining. I believe this is due to various lifestyle factors, but there are ways to address this issue.
The global trend of increasing average weight and declining health and fitness levels is a pressing concern. Various countries are grappling with the consequences of this dual issue, which poses significant risks to indi
Some countries are experiencing a situation in which their citizens are gaining weight and their public wellness is declining. This essay will discuss the reasons behind this phenomenon and secondly suggest some measures
It seems that in some nations there is a dramatic rise in individuals` average weight yet a decline in their levels of health and fitness. I aim to identify the sources of this issue as well as some viable solutions to i
There are some states where people are getting more and more overweight, which leads to various health issues. This essay will first suggest that the biggest problems caused by this phenomenon are bad eating habits and a
Now in the world, we can see a trend that the percentage of fat people grew very fast last year. Because of it, the level of health falls a lot. There can be many reasons causing these problems, and we will discover some
Nowadays, the average mass of people is growing, accordingly, their health and fitness are spoilt. Doubtless, this can happen due to several factors, nevertheless, there are a couple of methods which we can tackle with
You can see that in 2008, the market economy must be faced with a great depression. And the financial burden is put on the young. From that, there are many surveys showing that average people's weight has increased and c
Recent years, it is discovered that the average weight of citizens is facing an upward trend. At the same time, their health and fitness levels are plummeting which means that they are facing more health problems. Person
In the contemporary world, many people have higher weight than in the past, however, the decline of health and fitness is considered. This essay would mention the main reasons why these issues and take the method to tack
Some nations have faced with the phenomenon of people obtaining unhealthy weight and also their bodies' well-being are declining. This is as a result of two primary reasons; unbalanced diet and sedentary life styles. The
Nowadays there are several countries to face the problem of overweight that is growing rapidly day by day and the level of their good physical condition and strength is getting down. For my prospective, I believe that th