Children are the adults of tomorrow and to become the greatest version of ourselves, working sometimes hard enough is essential . Some people believe that without this hard work, nothing can be finished. Obvious benefits
Children often get advice such as if they want to achieve their ambitions and dreams, they should give hard work to buy it if not dreams will be dreams. Nevertheless, there are some positive and negative sides regarding
It is hard to deny that kids will say that they can be successful in everything if they try their best. Such a fact leads impressionable people to generate the opinion that saying without evidence would be a good idea fo
Some cultures are convinced by a statement that is told that children are capable of attaining anything if they will try better. This essay will discuss the pros and cons of saying so. Particularly, answering why this k
At times, some people from a few cultures maintain the notion any triumph will be attainable, should scions exert themselves diligently and sufficiently. This belief may lead to modifying children's turn of mind, so that
It is crucial for future generations to be taught that achieving goals requires hard effort. While it is advantageous to instil that belief in the young, there are also a number of drawbacks.
It is crucial for future generation to be taught that achieving goals require hard effort. While it is advantageous to instil that belief in children, there is also a number of drawbacks.
Achieving success is essential in today’s era which could promote frames and bring some personal benefits. In certain cultures, youngsters are being taught to put effort as they will reach their destination. Some people
Trying hard is defined as the only way to reach someone's aim in life for offspring. Although achieving what they desire is so precious, does it worth doing anything? It has various effects on the very young heirs. These
Some people argue that adults told kids they can achieve their goals what they want if they try to make an effort for themselves in some nations. It has both advantages and disadvantages for children.
In the modern world, people have too many desires for which they work day and night. It is considered by, an individual that one can fulfil their every dream by following it with passion. However, there are merits and de
It is evident in some cultures that children will succeed in life if they put in the hard work necessary to achieve their goals. This essay will tackle the disadvantages and advantages of this belief.
It is evident in some cultures, that children will achieve success in life only if they try hard enough. This essay will tackle the disadvantages and advantages of this practice.
Surviving in modern society has become more challenging and competitive, especially with young ones who have to compete for optimal academic results and constantly learn new soft skills. To encourage children to overcome
In many nations around the world, children are usually been told that if they work hard, they can get anything that they want. There are some benefits and drawbacks towards this saying.
Nowadays, many parents, especially Asian ones, tend to educate their children to always try hard because as long as they do so, they certainly will be successful. I think there are many advantages as well disadvantages t
Modern society structures its citizens pre-determined by a path with a set of predesigned milestones; counterintuitively, these steps have become more challenging in a competitive world. To encourage children to overcome
In certain cultures, children are often told that if they strive to work hard they can achieve anything they wish. By perpetuating this idea to children, it could shape their perspective about their goals and work hard t
In some countries, people generally tells their children that they should try hard for attaining whatever they want Which I believe has many negative effects on children's life.
For someone to achieve their goals in life, there should be passion, motivation, commitment and hard work. If all these are not there, it will be difficult to achieve anything. In some cultures, children are told to work