IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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You recently went to concert and thought one of the singers was very good. You want to tell him how you feel. Write a letter to the singer Say how you feel about his performance Give detail of your musical activities xp
Promotion of product and services is a vital part of industries, nowadays. Businesses try to attract consumers for their product by showing of that the product is a updated version. This phenomenon has some pros and cons
Recently many companies have already highlighted that their products are cutting-edge via advertising and this situation can create a negative impact on the buyers. This essay will discuss both the negative and positiv
Advertising is the basic key to success in marketing business, but some companies are enough smart to show the existing products as new ones, which is a positive development and I will explain with reason and relevant ex
Due to the recent increase in interest in advertising, a lot of companies are trying to create or speculate that their products have some brand-new features. I believe that the two main reasons for it are higher competit
These days, technology is developing really fast, and companies every time produce new things, so they introduce them with publicity also, saying this is new. because they want to have a lot of sales. In my opinion, It i
Issues related to marketing are frequently discussed these days. In the business world, it true that launched items always be described as they are cutting-edge compared to others in the market. In my opinion, it is due
It is widely argued that through advertising, companies often give importance to their products that are newly manufactured in the current competitive era. This is due to enhancing their profit and making the brand image
These days, business are keen to claim that they just launched a new product in their advertisements. This is done to stimulate several customers to purchase their goods or services immediately. I tend to believe that th
In some commercials, seller nowadays usually underline that their products are innovative in some way, this has a positive effect on development of businesses. While this development bring a lot of benefits, I believe it
It is true that businesses frequently promote their "new" products in their advertising in recent years. There are a variety of reasons why companies are likely to introduce their new products in this way, and I believe
In the contemporary commercial, companies usually try to tell consumers that their products are new in some way. It is an intersting and controversial issue that deserved an in-depth discussion, therefore the reason behi
In the past few decades, the global market has been inundated with a staggering array of products, leaving consumers grappling with the challenge of selecting the right one. In response, brands are increasingly turning t
In the contemporary era, advertisements play a key role in business. Therefore, numerous companies use advertising to highlight that their products are cutting-edge. This essay will outline the root causes of this trend,
In the selling strategy, businesses these days often highlight that their products are new to some degree. This is because new companies involved with spin-offs have a profound effect on getting the attention of customer
Recently there are lots of business sectors which campaign their products are new in some aspects of their promotion. Personally, it seems to me that this phenomenon is a good development in terms of earning more money a
Marketing business is one of the most profitable sectors because every day new products are released into the market. However, the companies overemphasize the newness of their products using advertisement strategy. In th
In the modern age, companies put great emphasis on the uniqueness of their products. Given that this strategy is pursued to trigger individuals' intrinsic curiosity and to make themselves bold in the market, it is highly
In the digital age, advertising is a potential field for developing a brand image. Some folks argue that businesses are now more contingent on promoting the new and unique aspects of their products. The purpose is to inc
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