IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Human beings play detrimental impact on the world environment, which results in the extinction of creatures and lost of biodiversity. This alarming situation is caused by several reasons and impose severe consequences on
The devastating impact on the fauna of the earth affected by humans resulted in an increased number of animal deaths. The main factors of this issue are pollution and destroying animals' natural habitat. In this essay,
A substantial number of individuals presume that in the environment, a lot of diverse animals and plants are going to be destroyed. However, recent research has shown that climate change is the most important cause of cl
Nowadays we are witnesses for natural disasters and species extinction, that have been caused by human vital activity. Biodiversity is a roof of survivung of wildlife. Life is a sequence of species, extintion of one chai
There has been a controversial discussion point that humans are affecting the ecosystem around the world, resulting in several species becoming extinct. The primary causes of biodiversity loss are the overpopulation issu
In modern times, human beings severely affect ecosystems worldwide, making many animal species become extinct in the long run. This increasing issue primarily stems from habitat destruction along with water pollution, ye
It is argued that human development in ecosystems around the world is resulting in endangered species coupled with the loss of ecological diversity. The root causes of this tendency are logging activities and pollutants
Over the past decade, biodiversity has been put in jeopardy as many species have extincted due to people illegally poaching and the process of urbanization. However, governments all across the globe can construct more co
Human’s activities have brought about immense impact on the environment regarding biodiversity loss. The writer believes that this situation stems from the destruction of habitats caused by deforestation and illegal poac
The alarming rate of species extinction and biodiversity loss has sparked widespread concern, with human activity being a significant contributor to this crisis. In my opinion, the primary causes of biodiversity loss are
One of the most imperative environmental concerns in the modern age is the extinction of species and the risk to biodiversity. It is widely believed that humanity should take responsibility for this problem. Although cli
Human beings' activities are posing the extinction of species and loss of biodiversity by affecting the world's ecosystem. There seem to be two main reasons leading to this issue and some proper actions should be taken
Because of human lifestyle, the ecosystem has been effeted massive trouble about the extinction. and balance 610- diversity. The author of this essay will explain the main causes of that problem and give the solutions.
Despite knowing about biodiversity’s importance for a long time, human activity has been causing massive extinctions of different species. This essay will examine the main causes of loss of biodiversity and provide feasi
Human-related activities have infiltrated almost every aspect of the world's dynamics, disrupting environment's flora and fauna by eradicating biodiversity of certain species. It is my contention that while there are sol
The intrusion of humans into the natural ecosystem causes some species to go extinct and disturbs the diversity of organisms. This phenomenon is mainly caused by deforestation and overusing of pesticides. To address this
The extinction of species and loss of biodiversity is significantly influenced by human activities. This drawback is caused by overpopulation, deforestation and the mining industry. This essay will explore this phenomeno
Nowadays, human expansion can have a bad impact on decreasing animal habitat and it can endanger their population. This essay aims to give the primary cause of this and also put toward for solution.
the impact of individuals on the woldwide have been caused of extinction of animals also lose their habitant , the main cause of this is using non-eco-friendly however, keep them in zoo are anothe reason for t
Nowadays, many experts warn about the possibility of the extinction of various species along with the loss of world's biodiversity that can happen in the near future due to human-related actions. Before explaining about
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