IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many people believed that a person should be gifted they were born, such as an athelete or some others. However, many people acheived high positions in their careers without any talents. In my view, both the statements a
Nowadays, all over the world, the topic of the impact of tourism is omnipresent. While some people think the advantages of international tourism exist, other people think there are disadvantages to international tourism.
As access to cheaper travelling becomes more available, the question of whether the benefits of international tourism outweigh its downfalls is raised. This essay will shed light on both sides of the matter.
Nowadays, the growing trend of international tourism leads to considerable benefits for many tourist spots while bringing negative impacts to local residents and the environment. In my opinion, the advantages outweigh t
Traveling overseas has provided a host country with tremendous benefits although it would induce some perennial problems regarding the society or the ecosystem. Personally, the disadvantages could outweigh the merits to
International tourism plays vital role to increase the economical conditions of country as well as to promote the country worldwide. There are numerous benefits of tourism in many places, but also at the same tourism eff
In the post-pandemic era, foreign tourism is more popular throughout the earth, therefore the tourism sector is being revived and growing. While foreign travelling has provided many benefits for travel countries, it has
As international tourism has brought enormous benefits to many places, on another side there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment but, this have more advantages then disadvantages.
Travel is an experiment that enlightens people's minds. While some people believe that tourism brings many advantages to their countries, others think this activity brings more downsides. In this essay , I will discuss w
The global touristry business has displayed its vital position in numerous places, however despite the huge outcome it can bring out, its impact on local occupants and conditions is extremely alarming. This essay will sh
International tourism is one of the pillars that hold one’s country's economic health. Most countries rely on its historical monuments and buildings and natural resources such as seas, mountains and rainforest to promote
In recent years, there has been a profound increase in the number of people questioning the benefit of international tourism. On the one hand, these individuals can do more harm than good. Alternatively, one major benefi
Nowadays, international tourism has become more famous for all countries in the world because it brings many advantages, but for all pros, there are cons following, and I will give the reasons in this essay.
In last one decade, it has been noticed that in recent time more and more people are travelling different nations and culture. It brings many benefits to local areas of tourism places. However, some people claiming demer
Tourism development plays a vital role around the globe. Even though some people believe that tourism enables a great number of advantages to different sectors, others think that it can be dangerous for local communities
In today’s world, international tourism has become an integral part of some countries’ economies as an additional income from taxes. However, it has certain drawbacks like harmful effects on local citizens and the atmosp
I believe that international tourists have brought enormous benefits to tourism destinations in many countries, while others feel at the same time, there is concern about the impact on local people and the environment. T
Travelling overseas is much more convenient than it was in the past. This led to an increase in the number of people travelling to other nations. It is considered by many that traveller may have an effect on local inhab
In some modern countries, international tourism has been under the spotlight for a while with an ongoing debate over whether it would exert more positive or negative impacts on local residents and the environment. In my
Around the globe, travelling to other countries is really common these days. Foreign travellers’ spending is essential for many countries to use for economic growth, on the other hand, it would affect the local commun
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