IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nature or nurture theory has been a controversial issue for many years and there are two different views about it. Some believe that a professional athlete or musician is born with a specific skill, while others think th
Nowadays is a common opinion that there is a category of individuals with particular talent and others who have not. There is no denying that is could be true, but I hold the opinion that every person has a special atti
Whether geniuses are born or made has become one of the most debated topics in recent decades. Some people argue that talent is a natural gift, while others believe that anyone can become an excellent achiever through gu
The belief that some individuals are innately gifted with talents while others can be nurtured to excel in fields like sports or music has long been debated. On one hand, natural aptitude undoubtedly gives certain indivi
In general people around the world are born with certain natural talents like sports or music, and others are not. But any child can become a sportsperson or musician if they are properly guided.
Understanding the causes of our acts and reasons that someone act better than others in some positions is always interesting for people. Some people think it depends on our intelligence and some else think it is the resu
It is quite popular opinion among people about talented people, that they are gifted since the day they were born, such as an athlete or an artist. However, some well-known musicians and athlets were born without any tal
Some would argue that people are born with talent in arts such as sports and music whereas others are of the opinion that any child can become successful if they are nurtured in that direction. Although talent makes lear
Nowadays, there are lots of people who are born with a special gift for instance in sports or music, but many people are born without these abilities. In this essay, I will explain both the statements and I will try to
It has been argued , that individuals are born with a certain predisposition in life while another segment of society claims that any person can become a good sports professional, artist or musician. That essay will di
Nowadays, there is a wide diversity of directions where humans can compete and show talent in sports, arts, science, education etc. Some people think that we can be talented because we are already born with certain char
Across the globe, every person has different capabilities, One segment of folk believes that there are some people who are born with some skills such as music and sports whereas other segments of folk think that it is le
Some people hold the view that few people are born with the talent which helps them to excel in fields like sports or music while others do not have it. On the contrary, it is also claimed that anyone can be taught to ri
Some people said that talents and skills that we have differ from anyone else. some said that any child can learn to be an expert in sports or musicians. I think this topic is highly debatable that some youngsters are bo
Most people think that there are some people who are gifted for specific fields and others didn't born with innate skills however other individuals claim that everyone can be good at any sport branch or music by working
Some people believe that the potential of becoming a successful professional is something that you are born with. They argue that people need to be born with a particular talent, in order to succeed later in life. On the
In the current fast-paced world, some people opine that talent is got by born and others are claiming that it could gain from coaches or mentors. In this ,essay I will discuss both views and my opinion as well.
Nowadays, with the development of education, talented skills in sports and music are encouraged to be exposed. However, there are some people who are not born with special abilities who also want to succeed in those fiel
It is commonly claimed that some individuals are naturally having particular talents, such as talents in sports or music, and others are not gifted by those talents. Nevertheless, it is sometimes believed that children c
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