IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The authorities consider the financial sector as a vital aim in a state’s growth. For a certain public, similar concentration is believed to be given to all the sectors. Since, the economy represents the strength of a co
A large number of governments, tend to think that the most important goal for them is economic progress, while other people believe that other issues in the society are important as and equal as the economy for a country
It is often argued that economical development is the most significant factor in a country's improvement. While government propound the idea that economics must be our first priority, people held on that other advancemen
The quality of country determine across country's systems such as education, economic, health care and sports. Furthermore, each of these systems combined together. However, some people think government should be attende
Nowadays, governments take some certain steps to make a progress in different aspects of society, from economical improvements to people’s welfare. Although authorities believe that improvement in economy is their vital
In today’s world, the development of the country’s economy is the best priority of most nations, while some individuals claim that other metrics also required the same progress for a country. In this essay, I will analys
There is a public debate today as to economic concerning to the issue that some argue believe that president consider that the enhance of financial is the crucial target, but others set forth a totally different about th
In today’s world, most national governments prioritise economic growth over other forms of growth, while some people argue the development of other areas of life and society are of greater or equal importance. In this es
In many countries governments believe that economic development is much more important however, some people say that other types of areas in the environment, and infrastructures are also important for a country. I recip
A large number of governments believe that their economic progress must be a priority, while some people think that development in other fields is equally important. I agree with the second statement and I will explain m
It is often believed that governments mainly focus on economic progress, while others believe that other spheres of development are important too. Both views on this subject will be discussed, however, in my opinion, the
Despite the fact that most the authorities believe that the most important purpose of their countries is financial issues, most of the citizens of the related countries think that other subjects are effective as well as
Many today have made the argument that governments are overly focused on economic development to the detriment of more valuable areas of progress. In my opinion, though economic progress is often the catalyst for differe
In this modern era, everyone is available online. In the upcoming days, People can read news, articles and general by using the internet.Thus no one will pay extra for newspapers and books. I largely agree with this stat
A lot of higher authorities believe that the growth of the economy is their basic target while few individuals think that development in other ways is also crucial for the nation.According to my opinion, along with wealt
The prime concern of a government with regard to a country's growth is a hot topic of discussion all over the world. As a result, there is a divergence of view, as some individuals prioritize economic advancement above a
Many people argued that a country should focus on economic progress due to its importance, ,however others stated that there are a lot of other elements that should be put attention to equally. In my opinion, there are r
The progress of a country in different ways is debatable. Most governments believe that improvement in the economy is their most important achievement. While Some argue that other improvements are equally important for a
Progress is the main booster of a country’s development. Therefore, various controversies have emerged as to whether the economy or others should be put in the first place. From my perspective, economic progress shares a
It is argued by a number of states that financial improvement is the most necessary target for them, while some other communities feel that other developments are essential as same as monetary. However, I agree with the
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