IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A fair amount of the public believes that a university degree is essential to get a better job whereas others say that after completing secondary school one needs to start work and get experience .however ,I partly agree
There is no doubt that these days to get an excellent job one needs to have good skills and qualifications that are gained by working in real workplaces. Despite completing university courses being a crucial thing, havin
There is no doubt that these days studies show that violent crime has increased significantly among teens under 18 years old. And,I agree with this statement. The question is, how can parents and schools deal with this a
A good job to get is a dream for every student when he/she graduates, some are lucky enough to secure it while others struggle for that. A huge number of people say that securing a good job is promised by a course of uni
With the unprecedented exigency for better-paid professions, it is widely thought that attaining a bachelor’s degree is the only viable approach to becoming triumphant in life, whilst others believe taking up an occupati
Education is the basic foundation of a successful person. It became a debatable issue whether a pupil needs to finish his higher studies or just indulge in work after high school education to enhancement of his skill.
There are different ways to start a career for any person in his or her life .Some would prefer to join some classes in an academy while others would go for some day jobs before planning further .Though a degree is handy
In the modern world finding a suitable career is not the easiest thing to do. Some individuals claim that only by completing a course at university, finding a proper job will be guaranteed. I cannot be more agree with th
Nowadays, getting a job is a bit difficult for individuals due to more and more competition for one job in the world. A large number of people believe that good employees can be achieved only by graduating from universi
In modern society, people have flexible choices in their career life. Some people think that completing university education is a shortcut to get a good job. Other people see that work experience is a key point for peopl
It is true that education has an indispensable role to play in the context of contemporary society. Some people harbour a belief that high-level education is a key enter famous companies, whilst others hold a reverse vie
There is no doubt that these days that skills are very important in the jobs world, and it has become favorite for most companies. The question is, what are the best ways to guarantee suitable jobs? Is it to complete un
It is often said that students ought to take up employment immediately after schooling, while others believe that it is a good option to bag a job after pursuing a University education. In my opinion, I believe that it i
Every human being needs some sort of income to live a good life. While some feel this can only be accomplished by attending higher education and getting certified, others feel having real-world knowledge is more benefici
In the modern era, a good profession is very much required for everyone in order to gain a good salary and benefits. Therefore, a fair amount of experts believe that the best position only will provide and fulfil our dai
To get a perfect job means one has to finish the duration of university education. This is a hotly-debated topic that often divides opinion. This is because it affects everyone’s life.
There is no doubt that these days the real work world needs skills that are not taught by schools and educational institutions. The question is, what consider the only way to guarantee a job? Completing a university cour
no doubt that In today's world, finding the perfect and suitable position plays a crucial role in everyone's life. While most people say good employment can be achieved by getting graduation from university, Others
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